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Possible SSL issue incoming
The IT Crowd
Likewise. Thanks for the dedication.
9 replies
Issues logging in?
The IT Crowd
91 replies
Forum issues
The IT Crowd
Working fine for me ... Yeah, this was an issue a bit back (the tweet "smart embed" logic for posts here needed to be updated to handle x.com tweet URLs) but it got fixed about 6–12 months ago from me...
326 replies
The How do I...? / New to forum testing thread
The IT Crowd
@daredevil should be able to do it if you click on your profile and click on either settings or controls. If not give me a shout with what you want it changed to
84 replies
New tags! Vine, Twitter, Spoilers, Spotify, etc
The IT Crowd
Been meaning to check this whole thing about posting x.com links out for a little bit but I was too busy. I don't really use (or know anything about) PHP or Composer, but I followed some advice from t...
74 replies
Aesthetic / functional site issues - POST HERE
The IT Crowd
I know Pepe worked hard on getting that categories page all nice and pretty, but I also would prefer the home page to be All Discussions.
55 replies
Posting permissions issues
The IT Crowd
Think the last time I heard it was about 2003 ...
69 replies
Categories page
The IT Crowd
Yes, the "categories" are just "tags" under the hood I think. As this dev says, one way to fix it is to add an unread discussion count and timestamp column to a tag-per-user table (or view) and update...
29 replies
New Threads
The IT Crowd
Yeah, well … based on what I'm seeing, it'll either get fixed or it'll half kill the product not getting fixed. There is also at least one search extension, but I'm not clear if it does results as pos...
16 replies
Post reactions
The IT Crowd
I don't think it would be bad idea to add a or reaction, makes it easier to recognise a @goon post from distance.
6 replies
IMPORTANT - please read! Don't get locked out of your account!
The IT Crowd
I’m losing my “@“
11 replies
The IT Crowd
One thought at a time.
86 replies
Youtube and full-screen
The IT Crowd
It happened to be for a while, disabling add blockers and browser related anti virus extensions solved it.
4 replies
Forum downtime
The IT Crowd
Tried to buy it off you Pepe when I saw that Pepe.
39 replies
Mobile site?
The IT Crowd
I'd take a look at it but between the kids being on summer holidays, going to camps and trying to work around them it'll be ages before I can fit in a proper go at it.
15 replies
Possible misconfigured SSL certificate?
The IT Crowd
The CAA record is queried by the CA before the certificate is issued. It's mandatory for the CA to query for the CAA record, but not for the CAA record to exist in the first place. The fact that a val...
1 reply
Forgot my password....
The IT Crowd
9 replies
Forum gone crazy?
The IT Crowd
My laptop interface looks clearer but i've, subsequently, noticed that the OMITT "image" tool is not working. Has it got something to do with this? https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2018/02/internet-rag...
5 replies
The servers
The IT Crowd
Twitter/Facebook is a fine idea, if Pepe could bother with it. Im also on board with giving some cash to increase the bandwidth, in case its needed.
28 replies
This forum is dead
The IT Crowd
That was a great game Asterix.
50 replies
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The IT Crowd
Technical issues or ideas for improving the forum.
Possible SSL issue incoming
Issues logging in?
Forum issues
The How do I...? / New to forum testing thread
New tags! Vine, Twitter, Spoilers, Spotify, etc
Aesthetic / functional site issues - POST HERE
Posting permissions issues
Categories page
New Threads
Post reactions
IMPORTANT - please read! Don't get locked out of your account!
Youtube and full-screen
Forum downtime
Mobile site?
Possible misconfigured SSL certificate?
Forgot my password....
Forum gone crazy?
The servers
This forum is dead
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