Yes, it's the servers.

There have been a few glitches for a while and I've kept shtum, but lately things seem to have become considerably worse. Possibly because Timleaf isn't around much.

It'd be good to get in and sort out the undefined script errors on every page load, the inconsistent rendering speed and completion (smells like a dodgy load balancer or rate limiter at the host, perhaps?), and the inconsistent virtual host and webserver configuration that mean some of the XHR features (quick posts, add rep, etc) don't work all the time.

Anyone else finding the forum a bit flaky on the technical side in general?

I experienced some kind of outage a few days back but not sure how long it lasted as i've been rather busy at work so i dip in and out.

I've had no issues personally. Pages load just fine and everything works except rep (but that never worked for me anyway).

Yep, works great for me. No issues at all on any platform or browser. The rep function is the only thing that's been hit and miss.

Right. I'm seeing an intermittent issue in Chrome latest where pages halt halfway through rendering. Feels like it happens about a fifth of the time, which probably means it's actually one twentieth.

If I open a new tab and access the same thread or post via its address, the second tab will hang completely until I close the firstโ€”at which point the second tab suddenly renders.

Wonder if it's some weird interaction with a browser extension. This is the only site that has this issue for me.

I'm not having any issues. The rep system has never worked for me so I've never used it, but aside from that everything is ok at the moment.

I was having slow load times yesterday. Pages would stall when loading and I had to keep refreshing. Just got a new phone though so thought it might be that.

invisibleman18 wrote:

I'm not having any issues. The rep system has never worked for me so I've never used it, but aside from that everything is ok at the moment.

Try removing the www in the URL.
It worked for me only after that.

I don't think my pages are reloading at all, I keep getting the exact same stuff year in year out.

6 days later


I might try to fix the rep thing one of these days if I can be arsed. Probably not.

3 months later

I haven't been able get on this website since Thursday or Friday. I just got a message saying that the server had reached its bandwidth and to try again later! Anyone else have this problem? Does it happen at the end of every months?

I had this problem Thursday through Sunday night.

It was the site getting hammered by a bot that caused the problem last time. IIRC Pep fixed it by waiting for his quota to roll over ...

Personally I'd rather have the place go offline every few days than need ad revenue to live.

Yeah, looks like a couple of web search bots have been increasingly hammering the site over the past few months and we finally exceeded the bandwidth allocation.

Have blocked all of them bar Google, will keep an eye on it to see if that sorts it out.

Burnwinter wrote:

It was the site getting hammered by a bot that caused the problem last time. IIRC Pep fixed it by waiting for his quota to roll over ...

Personally I'd rather have the place go offline every few days than need ad revenue to live.

Well I waited for the month to end for a new quota, but I blocked the bot in question. Looks like another one has gotten in on the act.

Does the Tolly have a twitter account? might be worthwhile to keep us updated when things like this happen.

Well, when you tried to go to the site, it DID clearly say that bandwidth allocation was exceeded. Pretty good info if you ask me. ๐Ÿ™‚

it's not like anything of note happened in the meantime. Ox continued to impress in meaningless games. Wilshere got injured. Wenger dithered.

Rex wrote:

Well, when you tried to go to the site, it DID clearly say that bandwidth allocation was exceeded. Pretty good info if you ask me. ๐Ÿ™‚

More for info as to when the site is likely to be back up etc

I agree on the twitter account suggestion. Just useful to maintain contact in case something happens.