Clrnc Can the like button have more reactions for it, like lols, angry, etc?

There is an extension for this which allows people to react to posts, e.g. 😆 😠 etc as Clrnc says. However I don't really like this feature, as I find it often ends up being used negatively as it is very tempting to 😆 or 🙄 at posts you dislike. I think Like is a better option it's a bit more positive, albeit limited, and football forums in general don't really need to add any incentive for people to have a go at each other...


  • goon replied to this.

    I agree. A like is enough, if you like the post, click it, if not no need to add a reaction and either ignore it or respond with a post. If you really want to add a lol reaction or whatever else then just add it in a post.

    I don't think its necessary to have a whole group of emojis for reactions to a post. Like or do nothing, thats enough for me too

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