• The IT Crowd
  • IMPORTANT - please read! Don't get locked out of your account!

In the next couple of weeks OMITT will be moving to a new home, swapping the old MyBB platform for Flarum. This will provide a better responsive and mobile experience, and provide a range of features that are standard on social media platforms these days, such as @mentions, likes, social media logins and easier embedding. The forum should also help with improved SEO, making it easier for new users to find the forum. If all goes to plan, the move will likely take a few hours and occur over the weekend of the 17th/18th. 

After the move, ALL users will have to reset their password by email in order to be able to login again. Therefore, if you don't wish to be locked out of your account, please ensure your email address on your account is correct and up-to-date.

Additionally, some people's usernames will change. Flarum doesn't allow usernames with spaces or non alphanumeric characters (a-z, 0-9 only). This means the below list of users will see their usernames for logging in change as specified. Please make note of this when logging in. Once logged in, you can change your username. You can also set a nickname which will appear on your posts and profile which does not have these same restrictions (similar to socials such as twitter, where you have a username which is used for logging in and @mentions, and a separate display name).

Avatars may or may not be migrated (I still need to test this), so probably best to take a copy of it if you need as well.

Finally, Flarum does not at present have DM functionality. Therefore your private messages on OMITT will be lost after migration. As such, if you have any information in your private messages you want to retain, please do so immediately.


List of username changes:

@[deleted] -> lorddulaarsenal
A_G -> AG
AAStyle- -> AAStyle
Ambitionz az a goonah -> Ambitionzazagoonah
Anfield 1884 -> Anfield1884
arsedoc md -> arsedocmd
Arsenal in Aus -> ArsenalinAus
Avenell Road -> AvenellRoad
Big Willie -> BigWillie
Bold Tone -> BoldTone
Bring Back Kerrea Gilbert -> BringBackKerreaGilbert
Chambers Can Play Anywhere -> ChambersCanPlayAnywhere
Chili Palmer -> ChiliPalmer
Citizen No 9  -> CitizenNo9
Cof Mixture -> CofMixture
d_REX17 -> dREX17
dave_rwr -> daverwr
David Smith -> DavidSmith
Delhi_Gooner -> DelhiGooner
Diaby KungFu -> DiabyKungFu
Dial Square -> DialSquare
DK Gooner -> DKGooner
Don Draper -> DonDraper
Don Pacifico -> DonPacifico
dot_asp ->  dotasp
Eccentricgooner -> Eccentricgooner
El Genio de Oviedo -> ElGeniodeOviedo
evoh_1 ->  evoh1
Exiled In Newcastle  ->  ExiledInNewcastle
Famous no 10 -> Famousno10
Fantastic Mr.Fox -> FantasticMrFox
Francis Jeffers' Awful Career -> FrancisJeffersAwfulCareer
G.G -> GG
Gazza M ->  GazzaM
Godsend_Gooner -> GodsendGooner
Henry 14th -> Henry14th
Henry Sellers -> HenrySellers
Henry's Lovechild -> HenrysLovechild
I Am Arsenal Till I Die -> IamArsenalTillIDie
Irish gunner -> Irishgunner
Irish-Owen -> IrishOwen
jay-d -> jayd
Jellon Lamb -> JellonLamb
Johnny Bravo -> JohnnyBravo
keano_afc -> keanoafc
Kel Varnsen -> KelVarnsen
Kurt Eisner -> KurtEisner
ludovic van zis -> ludovicvanzis
M+D ->  MD
Maxi_Gooner -> MaxiGooner
Mr. X -> MrX
Muswell Hill Gooner -> MuswellHillGooner
number_0 -> number0
ohboy!!! -> ohboy
Oleg Fudge Knee -> OlegFudgeKnee
Oscar Wood -> OscarWood
Paulie Walnuts -> PaulieWalnuts
Prawn Sandwich -> PrawnSandwich
Pretty Toney -> PrettyToney
Quincy Abeyie -> QuincyAbeyie
Qwiss! -> Qwiss
Ron Burgundy -> RonBurgundy
Row Jimmy -> RowJimmy
SA Gunner -> SAGunner
SF-Gooner -> SFGooner
SL Gooner -> SLGooner
spaceman spiff -> spacemanspiff
Sydney Gooner -> SydneyGooner
Tambourine Man -> TambourineMan
The Awenger -> TheAwenger
the dawn raids -> thedawnraids
the goonfather -> thegoonfather
the slowest -> theslowest
Tim-bob -> Timbob
Tony Montana -> TonyMontana
truth_hurts -> truthhurts
ultimate_warrior -> ultimatewarrior
y va marquer -> yvamarquer

If you are trying to change your email and aren't getting the verification email, drop me a PM with your email and I'll change it for you.

Changed the address but the verification email doesn't come. Can't drop you a PM either because you have them disabled 😆

Great idea and cheers anyway this board has become a bit dated.

Sorry jones, try again there - should be able now

Actually I am likely to do the move this weekend while I have the time, so if you need your email address changed, MESSAGE ME TODAY.

Will there be any change to url?

No it should still be onemoreinthetolly.com  and onemoreinthetolly.com/forums

Exciting. You’re doing God’s work, Pep

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