Please report any issues with site functionality or appearance here.

As mentioned, I likely won't have time to correct any issues for some time. I have installed a second theme on a temporary basis - it is completely unmodified so it isn't Arsenal or forum related, but if you are having issues with the main theme, try this one and see if things are any different. I will look the issues reported in here when I get time in a couple of weeks.

This is for reporting issues only; anyone chatting in this thread will have the smack laid down upon them.

Pepe nice upgrade but a few issues mate.

First would it be possible to get rid of the info popups that come up for example when you click the first new post button. It just makes clicking links longer because you have to click it twice. Kind of hard on a mobile phone.

Also same thing for the rep heart next to posts on mobiles. It just shows the info popup but you can't actually rep anyone.

Also the full quote reply function is dry difficult as the screen keeps shifting and it's hard to edit you're reply. The only way I've managed to find replying ok is to use the quick quote button or quick reply.

Other than that the new upgrade is great for me. Very fast. Cheers pal.

Second that. The popovers on post buttons are the main functional issue for me, especially on my phone.

Thanks Pep for this thread. I am using chrome web browser Version 35.0.1916.153.

-The wordings that pop up for quote, pm, email etc are blocking it whenever I hover on it to click, meaning I can't even click it. However, it happens only occasionally when it blocks it, sometimes it appears correctly below the buttons instead of on it. Not sure why.

-The reputation function is not working for me at all, whenever I click on the heart (beside find all post button) nothing happens. I can click on the one below the post count to see who have given what rep though.

-I can't upgrade my user CP. It gives me this message.

MyBB SQL Error
MyBB has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue.

SQL Error:
1054 - Unknown column 'fid6' in 'field list'
UPDATE mybb_userfields SET fid1='', fid6='Undisclosed', fid2='' WHERE ufid='56'
Please contact the MyBB Group for technical support.

Thanks Pep!

Clrnc wrote:

-I can't upgrade my user CP. It gives me this message.

MyBB SQL Error
MyBB has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue.

SQL Error:
1054 - Unknown column 'fid6' in 'field list'
UPDATE mybb_userfields SET fid1='', fid6='Undisclosed', fid2='' WHERE ufid='56'
Please contact the MyBB Group for technical support.

Thanks Pep!

This should be fixed now.

Yep it's fine now. Cheers Pep

Neither heart button functions...
Use Firefox 31.0


I can't bold my posts.

However, I can italicise or underline them.

The word "bold" in your post appears bold for me, IG. What's your device, browser and theme combination?

I typed that on my mac this morning and it,didn't look bold.

It's bold on my phone right now though, odd.

Setup on my mac is chrome (which I'll update soon) and the default board theme iirc.

Irish gunner wrote:

I can't bold my posts.

However, I can italicise or underline them.

Burnwinter™ wrote:

The word "bold" in your post appears bold for me, IG. What's your device, browser and theme combination?

Irish gunner wrote:

I typed that on my mac this morning and it,didn't look bold.

It's bold on my phone right now though, odd.

Setup on my mac is chrome (which I'll update soon) and the default board theme iirc.

Hmm, so looking at this again on a different mac (OS 10.8.5) also running chrome (version 37.0.2062.120) in incognito (so extensions can be ruled out) the above text doesn't appear to be bolded. It works fine on safari and firefox though (and on my phone), so chrome for mac would appear to be the issue then.

Sorry Pepe but is there any way to change the bubble quote system? It's doing my head in!

Burnwinter™ wrote:

The word "bold" in your post appears bold for me, IG. What's your device, browser and theme combination?

It appears bold to me too. I'm using Firefox.

I can't see any difference between links and regular text though. This is not a problem as long as people post the entire url, but if they refer a link to specific words within a post I will miss it.

Yep the colour on links is the same.

a month later

We need some way to quote a single post, rather than creating these long 'quote chains' that can go on forever. Maybe max the number of posts you can quote to 1 or 2 like it used to be?

Is mobile theme ever coming back?

[quote='Grimandi's Foreskin' pid='503171' dateline='1413548686']
We need some way to quote a single post, rather than creating these long 'quote chains' that can go on forever. Maybe max the number of posts you can quote to 1 or 2 like it used to be?


Lukazan wrote:

Is mobile theme ever coming back?

One day.

6 months later

Is it possible to add a forum navigation bar on the bottom of the page?

Problem on iOS/iPad that has been killing me. When I quote somebody, I cannot get my cursor to appear in the appropriate place for me to write. Sometimes if I tap around randomly and extend the bottom of the reply box, it works. However, this is not a consistent remedy. Not sure if anyone else has experienced this problem.