Folks, I've added a categories page which is accessible from the left menu bar (desktop) and top nav bar (mobile). It basically recreates a more traditional forum-style home page, so if that's what you're after you could bookmark it.

I've currently set it to a performance intensive setting, let me know if you notice any issues with load times etc.

I could also set this as the global homepage if people really want it. Personally I prefer the discussions list.

I've set this as the home page for the timebeing as a trial.

It is growing on me. I think it works better as a portal for new users as it gives a more ordered sense of the place and also gives you an idea of the historic size of the forum with the number of posts. For regular users I think the All Discussions page is a better, more functional homepage and ideally there would be an option for users to set this as their home in their personal settings, but it doesn't exist at the moment. Though as I mentioned to @QuincyAbeyie in the other thread, there's nothing to stop someone from bookmarking the All Discussions page.

I like the more traditional and orderly feel. Could we tweak the color though? is it me or it's quite bright


    My suggestion is that it looks a bit "unclean" because the color scheme differs from the rest of the website.

    Here is, in my opinion, the scheme that looks good:

    Less so this one because it has white text instead of dark:

    So I think it would look cleaner with dark text to make it consistent with how it looks elsewhere.

    Don't want to make a big deal out of this, I appreciate all your hard work, Pepe! I have no idea how Flarum works, so just wanted to point it out just in case changing the color is a 30 second job.

      I don't mind either way. I preferred the forum look of OMITT and was kinda lost when I first came on here to see a bunch of discussions but after using it over the last week I absolutely love having everything there with the little icon on the right showing what category it's from without having to go into the actual category. I can just come online, see every active thread I haven't read and just go into each one.

      But I understand why this would be more useful for regulars like us who pretty much read everything daily and just want to see what's new since our last visit. But for those who don't it might be easier for them to just go into each category and see everything and decide which ones they want to go into.

      Is it possible to keep the previous landing page for those of us who like it how it was with discussions showing on an individual basis @Pepe LeFrits or is it default for everyone one way or another? Not a big deal either way, just wondering if there was a setting I could change to apply for myself.

        Similarly I was a bit lost at first without having the category/forum section page but I've got used to the new look at and now like opening it up and seeing which discussions have new posts. I see you can get there with one click on the side menu anyway so it's no big deal either way.

        Big Willie Is it possible to keep the previous landing page for those of us who like it how it was with discussions showing on an individual basis @Pepe LeFrits or is it default for everyone one way or another? Not a big deal either way, just wondering if there was a setting I could change to apply for myself.

        No, there's no user setting for it unfortunately. Though you could just bookmark the all discussions page

        Down the left hand side I have the option of either categories or all discussions?

          6 days later

          Same. I think itโ€™s better for anyone new too to be able to jump in and just see all the most popular topics.

          Coombs After using this a few days, kinda agree. Too little info is shown on the front page now to let you know if there's a new post in that particular forum or not.

          Has it always been the way with transfer rumours that both the category for Arsenal transfer rumours in general and the thread within that category where bullshit rumours are posted are called houseboat? Maybe we should change the name of either the category or the thread, might be confusing.

          The category used to be called "Red Tops"