Similarly I was a bit lost at first without having the category/forum section page but I've got used to the new look at and now like opening it up and seeing which discussions have new posts. I see you can get there with one click on the side menu anyway so it's no big deal either way.

Big Willie Is it possible to keep the previous landing page for those of us who like it how it was with discussions showing on an individual basis @Pepe LeFrits or is it default for everyone one way or another? Not a big deal either way, just wondering if there was a setting I could change to apply for myself.

No, there's no user setting for it unfortunately. Though you could just bookmark the all discussions page

Down the left hand side I have the option of either categories or all discussions?

    6 days later

    Same. I think it’s better for anyone new too to be able to jump in and just see all the most popular topics.

    Coombs After using this a few days, kinda agree. Too little info is shown on the front page now to let you know if there's a new post in that particular forum or not.

    Has it always been the way with transfer rumours that both the category for Arsenal transfer rumours in general and the thread within that category where bullshit rumours are posted are called houseboat? Maybe we should change the name of either the category or the thread, might be confusing.

    The category used to be called "Red Tops"

    Just realised I'd missed a few non-Arsenal discussions because there's no "new posts in 'ere" indication on the Category headings. I think it's good either way, though, and I think the familiarity for OMITT's sake of the Categories view is probably better as the default.

    Have to say, I immediately switch to the "all categories" view page now too.

    11 days later

    Have been doing some work on the mobile version of the categories page. @Burnwinter I wonder do you know much about css? I've been able to tweak a good few of the things I want but one thing I am struggling with is moving the timestamp text on the mobile last post to sit underneath the name of the last post thread name.

    The classes containing the two elements are LastDiscussion-topRow and LastDiscussion-bottomRow. bottomrow contains the timestamp and the below css:

    .LastDiscussion-bottomRow {
    display: flex;

    Oddly however, in the html, the bottomrow div actually appears first:

    <div class="LastDiscussion-bottomRow">...</div>
    <div class="LastDiscussion-topRow">...</div>

    So if I change the display: setting to say, block, I get the desired appearance of the two elements stacked vertically rather than side-by-side, but it is the timestamp that appears on top as per the html, rather than the thread title. Other than going into the code of the extension, I am struggling to work out how to do this.

      ... annoying because the desktop way of displaying it (Thread title, carriage return, timestamp, poster name) is perfect. It'd look so much better it was just like that on mobile too

      Looks a lot better, Pepe. Nice work.

      Is there a way to implement a feature that indicates whether you have any unread threads in each category? I think MyBB just made the category name bold.