JazzG I think it is a massive strategic mistake, Putin's Russia are only ever on your side if you give them everything they want. They don't do compromise. If your aiming to make them allies then you will be giving into whatever demands they have. I don't disagree there has been a reprioritisation and that trump would sell all of Europe to Russia if he could that's very much his attitude. It's why Europe needs to accept that the US are not your friends with this current administration.
On your point about dialogue that's fine but where has he condemned Russia. Everything is will Ukraine made this happen, blaming them for the invasion a decision that only Russia has responsibility for. Also the insulting idea that Ukraine should have done a deal giving up their territory to avoid the war. That policy has been known to be at successful through history at solving conflicts
If they think getting Russia on side stops an alliance with China that's proper deluded, Russia under Putin wants to act against Western interests and he will continue to play that game. If the US thinks they can deal with Putin they really haven't been paying attention. Also what will be China's calculation of launching a military invasion for territory they want. Stick the course the US will always give up in the end the will of authoritarian government will outlast the US and they will come for a deal for money eventually.