awooga83 I think that's valid absolutely about funding. But my point is the way they are talking about engagement with Russia they are not acting as allies and the actions that are being attributed to them it's going to be very bad for Europe longer term. The trump administration seem to want to be better friends with Russia which is a massive thing Europe have to deal with which includes funding.
End of the day there needs to be dialogue to end the war, there seems to be no appetite to either properly fund/support Ukraine by the Europeans and they don't seem to want the war to end either. The settlement is going to be pretty shit for Ukraine, they are losing the war and the losers usually end up getting a shit deal. It isn't right but that is what happens in war.
The Europeans need to step up and make sure this deal for Ukraine is as good as it possibly can be. Ukraine have mistakenly thought the West would back them until the end, stories came out last year Russia were willing to sign a treaty and end the war but Boris Johnson told them to keep fighting and they'd keep backing them. They've been badly misled imo.
awooga83 But it's not the asking for Europe to pull it's weight. It's actively working behind Europe and Ukraine's backs and seeming to give Russia everything it wants and trying to welcome them back into the fold with no consequences. The message to Putin or any other authoritarian leader is do what you want and there will ultimately be no consequences.
That approach will threaten European security and Europe will have to step up which involves distancing ourselves from the US because it looks like they are more interested in siding and become good friends with Russia. Trump has done much more then say you need to pay your dues he's focusing on alining the US with Russia which I don't think any US admin has done. That's a very different prospect and is a threat to Europe. Putin is also a much smarter operator then trump so he's coming out of this a big winner if it plays out as it is being reported. The UK will need to align itself closer to Europe as one of the outcomes from these shifts in my view our own security will require it.
Rightly or wrongly the US want Russia on their side. Maybe not even on their side but they want them out of China's orbit. There is talk that Cold War 2.0 has already started with China, this war has created a China, Iran and Russia alliance. The Americans want to break that alliance. That alliance and the weaponisation of the Dollar threatens to undermine the US dollar hegemony, those are the words of Janet Yellen. The current American regime will simply will not stand for that. This is why they are even talking of lifting sanctions off the Russians, they are basically saying leave the war, abandon any alliance with China/Iran and this is what you get in return. I think we are a long way from a deal yet but it is important that everyone talks.
If European alliances end up getting burned I think that is a price they are willing to pay, mainly to protect their own empire. The Europeans have got themselves into such a mess they'll struggle to sort themselves out let alone do anything more. The Europeans still need the Americans and the current administration will take advantage of that. I think the Russians are a spent force as well, will be a long time before they can threaten any other country.
I'm not offering an opinion on whether it is right or wrong but merely what I think is going on. I don't agree with a lot of the talk coming out by the Americans, they could and should handle this better. Trump does have this thing about strong leaders/dictators and I'm sure Putin will try to take advantage of that. Putin is a master manipulator and in Trump he'll find someone who may take him on his word....
The UK doesn't need to align exclusively with anyone, we need to get our own fucking act in order and build up our depleted arm defences.