Beginning of the end for NATO? I don't think Putin in his wildest dreams could have imagined this.

    JazzG lol Merz veering off the side of the US uno

    Guy would literally detonate nukes in Germany if the US told him to.

      JazzG this is hilarious. also hilarious that NATO is structured such that you can't expel members as it is a consensus-driven org

        EU leaders hinting at doubling their military spending relative to GDP for a new look, go-it-alone NATO, while the likes of RN and AfD (21% in the German election of recent days) wait in the wings of power. This is a banquet for the populists and Putin.

          jones Guy does come across as a bit odd, read today former Blackrock executive....You live in Germany don't do you? Do you think any new coalition will hold? Seen AFD have doubled their vote and shown a surprising rise in youth and homosexual voter share. Both main parties with historical low voter share.

          Claudius Lets be honest NATO is basically America with other countries tagging on. No America means no NATO.

            Burnwinter Problem is a lot of Europeans talk the big talk, when/if Russia are invited back into the fold and this shit all dies down, they'll slowly roll back their defence spending again. Russia aren't in a position to launch any kind of major attack for next 5-10 years according to some, that is a long time in politics!

              JazzG he's a huge piece of shit, basically avarice personified. Used to work for Mayer Brown advising clients how to dodge Cum Ex penalties, should tell you all this guy did that while advising BlackRock all while he's an MP lol.

              SPD (German labour) will do as usual and help CDU push through their standard neoliberal and nationalist arch conservative programme no questions asked. Merz said before the elections under no circumstances will he form a coalition with AfD but he's also pushed through a law proposal (with no chance of being applied) where he knew it would only be passed with AfD votes - most see this as a calculated breach of a taboo that's sign of things to come.

              Yea not surprising to me youth and gays vote hard right in this country, pretty much everyone does. AfD got 20% of the vote but people don't register the CDU who won the election have a programme that's in many aspects even further right than the AfD, even the latter complained that they copied their playbook lol.

              Country is in the shitter and I for one can't wait for the AfD to come into power, they're so incompetent and hilariously dumb people will either wake up and realise what they've been voting for or they won't and we can finally flush the toilet once and for all

                jones Country is in the shitter and I for one can't wait for [_____] to come into power, they're so incompetent and hilariously dumb people will either wake up and realise what they've been voting for or they won't and we can finally flush the toilet once and for all

                This post could be a template for half of us on here, I reckon. Australia's currently waiting on a guy called Peter Dutton, who makes Tony "I snack on raw onions" Abbott look like a Nobel laureate, to take over based on promising idiots impossible nuclear power plants, flags and lots more flags, and a swelter of state racism.

                  HomeSteak I feel you're proving my point. Wars are won before they begin. Once they start, there is only loss.

                  Burnwinter yep that's the entire West in a nutshell really.

                  Past Sunday was the first time in my adult life I didn't vote. Never believed this country was an actual democracy at any point but there were literally zero options this time round. Felt liberating not partaking in this shitshow

                  JazzG Problem is a lot of Europeans talk the big talk

                  I despise Macron running round for photo ops in an armoured vest like anyone, but I reckon the average US citizen has less idea what war means than the average European, much less people living in Warsaw Pact countries.

                  The US is now imploding on the European stage because its two major parties have kicked off a categorical disagreement on NATO while there's an extremely bloody war on Europe's border, a war that the US has hurried along at every step. It's a grotesque situation.

                  Interesting seeing blokes with beards dressed up as women dancing, has Trump gone woke?

                  I gotta start seriously looking into self exile.

                  Qwiss what’s crazy is from the outside it looks like it’s collapsing on its own rotten core, but the natives I talk to don’t have a full appreciation of how wretched things are

                    jones Why does this look like GTA 6.

                    Claudius Americas digital, cultural and physical borders are vast - it's nearly impossible to seek out another perspective unless you're deliberately looking for it

                    jones ha I posted about Potra on Monday, he got arrested today lol. He made 7 mil euros in 6 years to guard mines in Sierra Leon for a romanian piece of shit called Frank Timis and for some Chinese company. He made over 1 mil peryear, the owner made hundreds of millions while the african workers made 50$ per month.

                      jones that's just how gentrification works bro. If you don't know, now you know.