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Coombs but that is not how the real world works at all. Even if the Ukrainian government would have run, there would have been fractions of the army, militias groups that would have fought, a lot of them. i mean, look at Crimea, where they did leave, and got no help from the west, there was still a war, a shit load of people died. And, what you said did not work out(never will work), as they invaded again. Come on man, in your view the USA or China can just go and set up camp where ever they want, and people should be fine with it?this is chamberlain on steroids, idiotic
And there is still an expected outcome that they have in mind that they would be fine with, hence why they fight. Each side has a number in mind in terms of loss of life and resources. War very rarely end with total victory. They end when one party feels they can't get close to the expected outcome, or when one side gets to that, and they end up signing a deal with probably a little less gain, but with savings in terms of money and life.