Irish gunner wrote:
The king of Jordan participated in the retaliatory strike which killed over 55 ISIS fighters. Nice.
this star trek extra looks like he's about to take a shit. anyway his participation was helping them make jumps or some shit.
Irish gunner wrote:
The king of Jordan participated in the retaliatory strike which killed over 55 ISIS fighters. Nice.
this star trek extra looks like he's about to take a shit. anyway his participation was helping them make jumps or some shit.
I read he flew one of the planes. The source was dodgy though, so it may have been a lesser role in reality.
Here's the cab that got clipped:
I don't like conspiracy theories but ISIS are increasingly showing signs that they're either manufactured or a completely blind cult- blind even to their own religion.
Burning the pilot does not factor in even the most extreme of Islamic justice. Returning "jihadis" who regret their misadventure complain they don't even have any copies of the Quran. Pictures of them praying show haphazard prayer directions.
Spectacular public burnings and executions are a commonplace of violent, divided communities—like the South in the US up until fifty years ago. I'd question whether religious scripture has ever had much to do with it (as a root cause, rather than an obligatory prop).
I could post some pictures here of their work which would make your blood boil and your stomach turn......
My previous comment was prompted by someone linking me to this:
I disagree with the attempt to balance one atrocity against another, but I was still shocked by what I read.
No of course no atrocity is worse than another.
But theres little to be done about the ones from 50 60 70 years ago, whereas there are things happening now that something can be done about.
I'd prefer to do something about them with open eyes and without the pretence of a long unbroken history of moral and civilisational perfection by "the West".
Good article there, Burnsy. Horrific, but a good read. Burnsy felt the need to make a comment there too, eh?
@ Kel, because Norway could do with being warmed a few degrees its extremely short sighted and parochial to dismiss Global Warming as unimportant.
@ Burnsy, And like Global Warming like Ebola the rise of Islamofacism is not just a problem for the people in the region, everyone must respond to this in their own way, and people being people they will do so for their own reasons.
I think we're mostly in agreement, but your sense of "white mans guilt" is much stronger than mine, perhaps because my ancestors actually suffered more at the hands of the "Evil Empire" of the day I take a more pragmatic view.......
Bw's ancestors are the same as yours Biggus.
He's as close to their suffering as you are.
banduan wrote:I don't like conspiracy theories but ISIS are increasingly showing signs that they're either manufactured or a completely blind cult- blind even to their own religion.
Burning the pilot does not factor in even the most extreme of Islamic justice. Returning "jihadis" who regret their misadventure complain they don't even have any copies of the Quran. Pictures of them praying show haphazard prayer directions.
Burning seems to be their new thing, they burned 16 Iraqis to death today for refusing to join them:
Biggus wrote:@ Kel, because Norway could do with being warmed a few degrees its extremely short sighted and parochial to dismiss Global Warming as unimportant.
Who says it's unimportant?
What's your take on what's happening in Ukrajine right now, guys? Would you give them the weapons so the army could actually had any chance against that lot supported by Russian relatively strong weapons or wouldn't that matter because Putin would send there many more anyway? Quite a difficult one, this.
y va marquer wrote:Bw's ancestors are the same as yours Biggus.
He's as close to their suffering as you are.
You tell him sister Y va
y va marquer wrote:Bw's ancestors are the same as yours Biggus.
He's as close to their suffering as you are.
How would you know?
I meant it in the sense that Bw's family are of Irish descent Biggus.
Unless you're saying that in the past, your family in particular suffered more than other Irish people of the same generation.
y va marquer wrote:I meant it in the sense that Bw's family are of Irish descent Biggus.
How would you know?
Are you a bit grumpy Biggus?
Bw has mentioned that he's of Irish descent.