I've started a new thread here just because the problem with clicking the last page and ending up 2 pages back was getting annoying. Continue your islamaphobia/softy pinko stuff here.

5 days later

Plane crash in Taipei. Pretty insane, crashed beside a motorway and as it was falling the wing clipped a van. Driver was unharmed, lucky bastard. Surprising amount of survivors from the plane crash too.

Raw footage. How unlucky can the taxi driver get? Unreal video by the way.

Quite a number of survivors because the plane was floating (both engine flameout) and the river was pretty shallow. 

Unlucky? He chicken raced an airplane with a cab - and won! Apparently he survived without a scratch.

It's evil, that's what it is. It's part of a dehumanising process where you no longer think of palestinians as living people.

y va marquer wrote:


Wonder what qualifies as lucky for Clrnc?

Read in the Taiwan papers that he was warded with serious head injuries but stable condition. In a highway devoid of cars he is pretty unlucky.

y va marquer wrote:


Wonder what qualifies as lucky for Clrnc?

Not being hit by a plane...?

The king of Jordan participated in the retaliatory strike which killed over 55 ISIS fighters. Nice.

Good stuff, better than all those "strongly worded condemnations".

Kill those fuckers- Wherever they may be.

Saudi Arabia is the spiritual and financial centre of Wahhabism it all comes from there, without their backing Islamo-terrorism simply could not exist.
I look forward to the day when their importance declines and they get theirs......

Came across this a while back. Finally some rational thought in the climate debate:

"According to Monday’s report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a further warming of 2C could cause losses equivalent to 0.2-2 per cent of world gross domestic product. On current trends, that level of warming would happen some time in the second half of the 21st century. In other words, half a century of climate change is about as bad as losing one year of economic growth.

Since the start of the crisis in the eurozone, the income of the average Greek has fallen more than 20 per cent. Climate change is not, then, the biggest problem facing humankind."


Yup let's measure an existential threat in terms of GDP


Your trapped inside your car as it sinks into the lake, but no need to worrry, the cars only worth a months wages.

banduan wrote:

Yup let's measure an existential threat in terms of GDP

It's not an existential threat. That's the point. If there are for instance floods, you build dikes. Like they have in Netherlands. It's just a matter of cost/benefit analysis. 

I think it's a reasonable article.

Kel Varnsen wrote:

It's not an existential threat. That's the point. If there are for instance floods, you build dikes. Like they have in Netherlands. It's just a matter of cost/benefit analysis. 

The collapse of national economies due to a risk-addicted finance sector, and the permanent changes occurring in weather patterns due to reckless exploitation of resources aren't unrelated.

The measurement of either, or of one against the other, at the very least needs to be informed by an understanding of the "externalities" that aren't on any company or government's ledgers—like avoiding a mass extinction event or a long term geographical shift in our tropical zones.

Maybe the analysis in that article does include a social discount rate, if it does it doesn't mention it.

Kel Varnsen wrote:

Finally some rational thought