You guys make me laugh.
I have been saying since 2006 that no one has any inside knowledge when it comes to transfers apart from Wenger and Dein/Kiar/Gazidis.
Forget these guys from twitter, they know fuck all, stop following them if you waiting for them to break a world exclusive.
Forget internet chat rooms, none of us know anything and never will. Forget transfer rumour section as well, the more posts doesnt mean the player is more likely to come, you can speculate for 3 years but until the guy appears on with an Arsenal shirt he hasnt signed.
Forget newspapers, they have to sell copies and 99.9% of what they write is BS.
All you need is patience, go out more, forget about transfers for a while. You may be pleasantly suprised when it does happen when you expect it the least.
If it will happen it will happen. If it doesnt then life moves on.
Dont believe hype, dont believe rumour.
Dont waste your summer worrying about players that wont come or players that will come tomorrow. Check once a week if you are really curious, but dont become addicts to something that may never happen.