
  • Jun 13, 2018
  • Joined Jul 22, 2011
  • Is it me or have the ITK's and random foreign journalists got better with this signings malarkey?

    Hit rates are much better and twitter seems like a lot more realiable place these days.

    If we sign Torrerria, Sokratis, Litchenstier, Leno and keep hold of Ramsey and Jack, is this seen as a good transfer window?

  • Very happy we got Emery. Arteta is not ready for his job, would really like to see him get the Everton job or something similar to see if he could be good for us in say 3/4 years but no way in hell should a rookie ever get the Arsenal managers job.

    Emery should be fun, I saw his press conference and he had a positive aura about him, must have taken balls to carry out the majority of it in English, and it was not just what he was saying it was how he was saying it which spoke volumes. It was quite uplifting and his appointment had given all us gooners much needed energy. Let's face it, like it or not, Wenger sucked the life out of this club. It's good and refreshing to go into a new season with optimism and hope for once. I am very curious to see how Emery does and how far he can take us.

  • Qwiss, English translation please.

  • I think you are all deluding yourselves. Anyway, I'm not one to judge and I've said all there has to be said.

  • Arsenal will never win the league/CL ( at least under Wenger) and will never sign all the players you want.

    Either accept that and move on or keep getting pissed off when the same damn thing (non-action in terms of transfers and thus overall success) will keep happening.

    Conclusion: Never rely on Arsenal to make you feel happy.

  • You guys don't get my point.

    Either way, spending 30 mins a day on here looking at transfers regardless is a chode's lifestyle.

    Never rely on something you cannot control (getting high off who we sign) to gain happiness from.

    Bottom line, supporting Arsenal is like gambling, you may win once or twice but at the end you will always be let down.

  • Sorry, but we all know that is bollocks.

  • So another summer gone and another summer wasted with fuck all happening Arsenal transfer wise.

    To those that are upset, you should have known better

    To those that feel let down by these ITK's, you should have known better.

    To those that rely on transfers to make you happy, you need to get a new hobby.

    Think back and think what would you have done had you not wasted time on Arsenal transfer rumours? Gone to the gym more? Read more quality books? Do a course? Get  laid? Research for a better job? Gone out of your comfort zone more instead of relying on instant fake bs gratification. Quite frankly the list is endless.

    The bottom line is no point believing what these fuckers have to say because they are all full of shit. I've said this from day 1 on here yet some guys on here act like muppets and put these ITK's on such pedestals. For what? What have they ever got right!? Some people believe their every word like its gospel!

    I guess everyone wants instant stimulus, and twitter and the arsenal transfer window ITK's supply this in abundance.

    Come on, your better than that. Sort it out.

    It pisses me off because most of you are well educated yet fall for these mugs time and time again.

    Fuck Memz dogs, fuck muzz, fuck that bitch with the fake tits (no pun intended), fuck dean london, fuck Arsenal fan tv, fuck Geoff arsenal and if you are down with them then fuck you too!

    Moving forward any transfer rumour declared by an ITK should be made void.

  • None? Half the forum saw it. I wanted to see what all the fuss was about and why deluded supporters would believe such bullshit.

  • You guys never learn lol

  • The likelihood of us signing a new player is prob under 12%.

    Should we be pissed off? Yes.

    Should we have known better and not wasted 3 months clicking these pages? Yes.

    Will we ever learn? No

    Will Wenger ever change? No

    Will the exact same thing happen to all of us this time next year? Yes


  • Btw Wenger must be laughing his head off at the prospect of Marital going to Utd for that kinda of money!

    If it does actually go through it has got to be one of, if not the, craziest transfers of all time.

  • Marital is Sanogo plus 6 league goals.

    The world has gone mad!

  • Guys, get real. We are not fucking going to sell Monreal.

  • If we don't sign anyone we should make a new rule on here that states from 2.9.15 we will not entertain the thoughts, opinions, predictions, 'inside knowledge' of any ITK's. And the term 'ITK' should be banned throughout this forum.


  • How can they not sign a new striker??

    They need a striker more than us.

    Football managers baffle me at times.

  • Higuain is basically Giroud with 6 more league goals.

    Would it even be worth it?