One thing I'll give Trump is that unlike Biden he wasn't ducking away from the media when he was president. When was the last time Biden actually faced some kind of questioning from the media?
Trump seemed to be getting in an argument every other week with someone in the media but at least he took the questions. Trump seems to have the thickest skin out due to the sheer volume of shit he takes but also seems to have the thinnest and get offended by anything and everything! Was always on Twitter moaning about random shit.
Qwiss I think the Democrats had convinced the media that the Hilary story before the previous election had swung the election. Then they pushed the whole Russia collusion thing which turned out as being nothing. If the Democrats just put a fucking good candidate out imo they'd win this election, seem to be doing everything except that!
I mean even during Covid a lot of things were being suppressed and there was some next level propaganda going on. Any view which didn't fit the narrative was shut down and now as the dust is settling it is quite worrying how that all happened.
HomeSteak I don't think the point is whether it turned out as being nothing, the fact the media actively colluded to block this story from mainstream media before an election is imo election interference. This story was relevant and was not a Russian disinformation like the media had portrayed.
The laptop didn't have anything incriminating as far as I know but there were references to someone having cuts out of business deals, then some dubious business deals in Ukraine and China from what I remember and showed him as a drug addict and pictures with prostitutes. Now for some people like Burns has hinted above they won't care but for some people they will care and it will influence their decision. I mean if Trump's kids were up to no good it would make wall to wall coverage. He's now been convicted for gun offence and may get done on Tax charges. Right or wrong but all that doesn't reflect well on Joe Biden.