• [deleted]

Had to make a new username.

    [deleted] do you want me to set the email address on your original account to what you have for this account so you can reset? Your old acc has a hotmail address

      JazzG Have managed to login on my desktop. Not sure what was going on.

      Good stuff, hopefully it was just a temporary issue with redirects or cache or somesuch

      Good job on the forum, when I first saw it I wasn't a fan if I'm being honest. It is definitely growing on me though!

      The forum did need a freshen up, dark theme is excellent.

      25 days later

      Hi Peps, can’t seem to log in to my account anymore since the website makeover under “Jed”. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

      No worries, I've emailed you a temp password and set the email on the @Jed account to the email you used for Jed1, so you should be able to log in and/or password reset.

      6 months later

      Hey @Pepe LeFrits , mdgoonah is having trouble logging in. Not sure how to do PM here but would send you his email.

      He tried the resetting pw link but has not been receiving any emails. Could you create a temp password for him so he can get logged in?

      thanks again for the assistance. for some reason, i was not getting any automated emails from the site using gmail addresses. i created a new address, updated my profile here with the new address, and i got the automated messages within a few seconds. weird. anyway. thanks again.