25 days later

Hi Peps, can’t seem to log in to my account anymore since the website makeover under “Jed”. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

No worries, I've emailed you a temp password and set the email on the @Jed account to the email you used for Jed1, so you should be able to log in and/or password reset.

6 months later

Hey @Pepe LeFrits , mdgoonah is having trouble logging in. Not sure how to do PM here but would send you his email.

He tried the resetting pw link but has not been receiving any emails. Could you create a temp password for him so he can get logged in?

thanks again for the assistance. for some reason, i was not getting any automated emails from the site using gmail addresses. i created a new address, updated my profile here with the new address, and i got the automated messages within a few seconds. weird. anyway. thanks again.

    a year later

    hey guys, got this message over at mania.

    Hey dude

    It's BBKG here. I was wondering if you could let Qs or another admin of OMITT know that I've been locked out of my account for a few months... There's no way for me to get back in and the forgot password thing doesn't work.

    Much appreciated if you could!

    Thanks 👍🏼

    @Qwiss can you help him out?

    Couldn't he simply have created a new account and messaged on here?

    No bother. We don't have many members left, can't be losing old-timers like you!

    23 days later
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