Did those guys actually have the flu or do journalists also not know the difference between a flu and a cold? I'd be amazed if they actually recovered from the flu so quickly.

Clrnc One change for Argentina from the semifinal, they wanted to make 2 but that Acuna guy got injured in the warm-up so the god awful Tagliafico starts. I will never get over how many bad players they have in the starting line-up, and yet, here they are. France will win this easy, 3-1.

De Paul with a shot from the edge of the box that got deflected, but no joke his shot would have went parallel with the goal. To me, he has been by far the worst player on the pitch every single game at this world cup, cannot shot, pass, his control and first touch is meme tier. Just nothing nothing.

est I'm the same but I'm still rooting for France.

Big Willie He was going down, as he is a rat face, but it was idiotic from Dembele, he touched his legs for no reason. Penalty

Nah he clipped the back of his calf. Deserved lead for Argentina, good for the game. Let's see what France are made of now.

The WC has been programmed for Messi. Fucking hell. @Sicario gonna be so pissed.

Big Willie

Not really a dive. He did clip his leg. You dont want Dembele defending in the box, and Di Maria absolutely skinned him initially

Di Maria was going down well before that. And the touch was so minimal.

    Yep, Di Maria made the most of it but it’s definitely a pen by any reasonable definition

    Now to bear through 70 min of Argentine South American gamesmanship. Still hope they pull through.

    Big Willie it was minimal but idiotic, he got skinned and then tripped the player, 100% penalty, no doubt, and I hate Argentina as well.

    Well this has already reminded me why I don't want Argentina to win.

    It's almost always a penalty but it shouldn't be. Di Maria extends his leg back to find the contact.
    And Romero is a serious POS

    France's midfield got rather shown up against England and it's happening again.

    Come on you Frenchies. Can't be letting these guys dominate you like that

    Ok. That was proper counter. And thats why France don't attack, as they have shit defenders.

    Hahahahahaha. What a counter attack. McAlllister to Di Maria, beats Lloris.
