Shady wrote:speedy wrote:I used holistical examples because its a far larger sample size. And current examples like xhaka and mustafi. Our fans are deeply suspicious of keepers and it's probably helped martinez settle aswell as I think everyone would agree hes never looked anywhere close to this good before.
Luiz probably found it easier to bounce back from that shocker in empty stadiums aswell.
This is all just conjecture, proved by the fact that you just say "probably" for both players without actually backing up with any evidence how not having fans has helped them.
We don't have proof of anything just evidence of things. And that's true of every comment on this forum. We have evidance players form is effected by confidence from previous and current players. Weve seen laca with and without confidence and thd difference is huge.
We know endless abusing someone who needs confide ce (you also admitted it was important) is likely to be negative for their preformance. We've seen endless examples of that.
Weve seen ramsey gerviho bellerin xhaka getting loads of abuse. To the point the manager admitted he couldn't play some of them. Despite them being super hard working and some of our better players. By getting to this point you had to admit its been damaging. So we got the 5 or 6 shifts in what you were getting at the final was to current ratherthan recent. I'm talking past present and future thd fans have the ability to help the team or be super childish and lash out despite the fact they're just going to make things worse for themselves.
Youve skirted around almost every question I've posed because you know your argument doesn't hold up with honestly its just coveniant to lash out at players and pretend it has no effect. Youve also admittied sports stars are hugely effected by confidence. You claimed these star arent effect by the crouds despite every player and manger telling you different. Their 10,000's of interview were llayers talk about the crowd helping or how hard it is to win at liverpool and not be intimidated Etc. So we know the croud has an effect.
From my perspective I've been quite clear and I think I've tackled your points. Your last point is fans don't have an effect you'd need a really strong case because I goes against all the evidence I've seen im my life in changing rooms. Worrkkng in sports and being in the dug out and watching from the stands. And all thr mates I have who are plahers. And every player or manager interview since coverage began. Thats not a debate wortb having. Unless you can come up with something convincing as to why all these people are lying when they say the support matters as it lifts their confidence?
Otherwise this one is put to bed for me.