Gazza M wrote:Burnwinter wrote:Just to be clear, I don't think it's great form to be booing one player brutally. I just think that at some point you've got to accept that football is about getting very emotionally invested in something that's pretty arbitrary, and the sport only exists and rewards players the way it does because of that emotional investment. Everyone involved signs up to that on some level, and the rewards of doing so for players are massive.
Rugby fans probably are more polite than football fans. The two codes have a long history of association with particular social classes and behaviours … I know which I prefer!
Agreed. Supporter passion cuts both ways. The darker side of fan behaviour is priced in. Doesnt make it morally right, but nothing in life is. Fans love and hate equally hard, and that can explode in unhealthy ways
Things like the booing of xhaka and the wenger out banners should be taken in context as well. The former was in the midst of relegation form, and the latter was in a period when results were sliding and everyone at the club appeared ambivalent about the situation.
The idea that arsenal fans are uniquely toxic is laughable as well. We're not flying white lives matter banners or taking up a vendetta of booing a player whose leg was broken by one of ours
All along this debate I havn't said the fans should be caring for caring sake I just suggested they're child like when they abuse their own players and make the team do worse. It's child like behaviour acting on impuse rather than using your brain. And other sets of fans can be scummy sure but suggesting something is ok because someone else does it, isn't really an excuse anyone over 15 can succesfuly use to jusify their actions. Our fans venom is often direct at us, AFTV is there to get hits if positive messages got the most hits their would be lots of positive stuff on there. IT's far more venomus towards us than that anything we generally encounter from opposition fans. So many arsenal blogs are all worded to massimise emotions against the club. And they're obviously writing what gets clicked the most. The general negativity around the club makes it a tough ship to sail. Which i can understand would be hard to envisage if youve never been at a top club.