the same thing happens here in america. i know with legal immigration it's largely people who are privileged in their home countries so when they come to america it's "why can't they .... why should they ..."

    Meatwad It's complex but yeah first generation migrants are often politically conservative and "pull the drawbridge up behind them" as it's sometimes called.

    If you want the simplest possible interpretation of the No vote on this change, I'd say it's that Australia is a constitutively white supremacist state in the sense that exclusion and dispossession of its natural resources were two of the main reasons Federation happened. Its unconsidered political defaults are to reinforce that enclosure of value.

    a month later

    Riots in Ireland yesterday after supposedly an Algerian immigrant stabbed some kid and it all kicked off.

    I don't think a lot is known about the suspect, but reports says it's a male, and an Irish citizen for two decades. I don't know what stating his origin alone accomplishes. In context though, it is supposedly the suspect's origin that has caused rioting, injury, vandalism and anti immigration hate.

      KingslandBarge the racists were due to have a protest yesterday anyway. The stabbing happened, someone leaked the guys nationality to far right publication gript. Once that was out the far right groups started going into overdrive about starting a riot etc. They started it, the local gangs of scumbag youths who cause trouble in Dublin joined in and it got out of hand.

      This has been coming for ages. Its a combination of 2 problems that the government and the Gardai (our police) has ignored. Everyone on the left has been telling them since covid that the far right were a threat. The official line was that a "hands off" approach was best. A lot of times left wing counter protestors turned up to challenge these people bu the Gardai treat them worse than the fascists. Add to that violent attacks have been getting more and more serious over the summer with loads of anti-social behaviour going unchecked in Dublin and 2 came together last night to cause a load of trouble.

      4 months later

      Remember the one in the UK in 1999, still remember how eerie it was. All the birds and animals went quiet, felt like the whole country just stopped what it was doing for a bit and then went back to normal!

      15 days later

      Randomly saw this on my timeline, not exactly sure what to make of this.

      Something I need to read up on, the first comment says they like her Le Pen because they hate immigration from the Comoros.

      a month later

      The killing of another 300 or so Palestinians by the IDF this weekend in a military operation to rescue 4 Israeli hostages at Nuseirat refugee camp ... the headline reminder of the supposed rationale for all this carnage seems to make it even more sickening.


        i haven't decided who that applies to yet though. you for posting news critical of israel or the IDF for killing semites.

          Is he taking inspiration from Rishi here? I'm not that clued up on French politics but this does not seem like a good idea!

          Bad results also in Germany for the pro EU parties.

          Meatwad It's bleak reading talking heads celebrate the murder of hundreds of civilians in a refugee camp, on top of the tens of thousands killed by this war, to rescue four hostages who could've been liberated by other means six months ago.

          This war's been bringing the toll of other wars into a sharper relief. I'm getting a slightly better idea of what it would've felt like being an international onlooker to the carnage in Iraq or Afghanistan in the 00s, rather than the anti-war citizen of a country that has persistently supported US imperialism.

          2 months later

          Meatwad Murdoch is irrelevant in Germany but his views are 1 to 1 printed in German media if not worse. Not hard to say why that is tbh

          Sorta relevant to the point above - Economist has been a garbage magazine for 10+ years but this one is something else

          Same people will take the piss out of Russia and China for their propaganda and slam social media for disinformation

            jones I think it’s as simple as wanting the perfect picture for the story, not malicious. But it takes away what people in the global south believe - that many of our freedoms are intertwined sometimes a lack of perspective can drive misinformation. That’s why it helps to have different voices in the editorial room.

            I gave up on this publication 20 years ago after that hopeless continent cover.

              Claudius I'm not sure they deserve the benefit of the doubt Claude, this the same rag publishing articles defending slavery back in the day.

              Let's be real even if this wasn't for the cover page they would have removed the flag, and even for the cover why would they do it - if on an historical day the Bengali people still view the Palestinian plight as important enough for them to hang their flag next to their own who the fuck are the Economist to decide what's relevant to Bangladesh's story?

              Their editorial slant Palestine doesn't warrant much leeway and should be held up to scrutiny but in general cover pages are routinely sanitised to match the story. Also according to the comments, it's not the exact same photo - the Palestinian flag was unfurled after the photo was taken, potentially.

              To be honest, even deciding what the lead story should be is an act of santisation. Of all the bits of poor coverage I've seen in the past 8 months, this doesn't even break the top 500. Think that's a tweet looking for a click.

                Mirth it doesn't break the top 500 because it's obviously not as egregious as the lies reported directly on the war on Gazans but I thought it worth mentioning.

                Not like I've had a high opinion on Western media before but the way US UK and continental media have a accelerated in disgracing themselves on all matters Palestine since last year there's zero reason to assume this was done for any harmless reason. The CCTV footage of the Sde Teiman rapes has been released for days now and I'm yet to see even a single big outlet report on it.

                jones Economist has been a garbage magazine for 10+ years but this one is something else

                The Economist was the rag publishing the ideological rationale for the "benevolent capitalist experiment" that caused the Great Famine in Ireland in the 19C, it's had some pretty fucking low lows before.

                  Burnwinter oh yea there was that as well wasn't there. Not that far in the past because as we know stuff the great powers did during colonial times don't count any longer (Afghanistan 2001)

                  Fucking disgusting.


                  How many more of these headlines do we have to read? Another 100 plus civilians bombed to death for "harbouring militants".

                  If I were living like Palestinians in Gaza—even before this genocide—I'd probably be a militant.

                  When are the Magnitsky sanctions, severances of diplomatic relations, and broader state-sponsored economic sanctions and boycotts going to appear for this horror?

                    Yeh fuck Israel and their enablers ( that's means those paragons of virtue and human rights , the US and UK. )

                      4 months later

                      What is going on in South Korea?

                        JazzG from what I've read, it's over a budget he sees as crippling to his administration and something like 20+ impeachment attempts led by the opposition that he claims is gumming up the works and holding the country hostage to a "legislative dictatorship". Accuses the opposition of being North Korea sympathizers and communists. Not sure how valid any of his claims are, and he's also massively unpopular.

                        Sounds like the fall of Assad in Syria is imminent.

                        Sigh. Sunni fundamentalist government incoming? It'd be a miracle if minority groups, who have been fighting this war as much as anyone, will get anything but more pain. Hope I'm wrong.

                          Unfortunately the trend of this period in time and maybe next decade a lot more instability and lots of geopolitical fall out ahead.

                          Coombs Yep be interesting to see what the "pro-democracy revolution" looks like this time. They've been pretty terrible everywhere else.

                          This all happened a lot quicker than anyone thought, when Aleppo fell recently some thought they’d put up a fight but with Russia + Iran not backing Assad all folded quickly.

                          Plenty of info out there about Jolani who leads the rebel group. It’s true there is plenty to celebrate about Assad being removed from power. But as highlighted in many other nations the transition from a dictator does not guarantee a better path forward for a country and its people.

                          Jolani is well known by western media and appears open to Western scrutiny. He and his rebels may be seen “favorably” as they’re Sunni. I’m curios to see how they pull favors from Turkey (in exchange for a return of Syrian refugees) and how they balance internal vs external (Palestine/Israel) interests.

                          The less local and international panic you have and the more Jolani seems like a responsible actor instead of a toxic jihadi extremist, the easier his job will become. Is it totally sincere? Surely not," he said.



                          The speed of HTS taking Damascus has caught me way off guard, and reminded me I know bugger all about Syria. After the way Assad and the Syrian Army stood down the FSA and ISIS through to 2015/16, albeit with brutal Russian strikes in Aleppo, I'm surprised how quickly this has all happened.

                          I'm encouraged that Jolani has directed no damage to public institutions. It'd be a bloody shame if Syria got carved up. Back in 2015 or so I read Patrick Cockburn's book on the rise of ISIS and at the time, what was evident was that the "reconstruction" of Iraq and the civil war in Syria had led to a lot of very, very poor Sunni farmers. Keeping economic activity going is vital.

                          Speaking of which, I read yesterday that 85% of livestock in the Gaza strip is dead.

                            Coombs Michael Weiss is a massive arsehole so I'm not sure how that frame works for him

                            Coombs Let’s hope they don’t fill them up with children like the previous regime did…