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Sorta relevant to the point above - Economist has been a garbage magazine for 10+ years but this one is something else
Same people will take the piss out of Russia and China for their propaganda and slam social media for disinformation
jones I think it’s as simple as wanting the perfect picture for the story, not malicious. But it takes away what people in the global south believe - that many of our freedoms are intertwined sometimes a lack of perspective can drive misinformation. That’s why it helps to have different voices in the editorial room.
I gave up on this publication 20 years ago after that hopeless continent cover.
Claudius I'm not sure they deserve the benefit of the doubt Claude, this the same rag publishing articles defending slavery back in the day.
Let's be real even if this wasn't for the cover page they would have removed the flag, and even for the cover why would they do it - if on an historical day the Bengali people still view the Palestinian plight as important enough for them to hang their flag next to their own who the fuck are the Economist to decide what's relevant to Bangladesh's story?
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Their editorial slant Palestine doesn't warrant much leeway and should be held up to scrutiny but in general cover pages are routinely sanitised to match the story. Also according to the comments, it's not the exact same photo - the Palestinian flag was unfurled after the photo was taken, potentially.
To be honest, even deciding what the lead story should be is an act of santisation. Of all the bits of poor coverage I've seen in the past 8 months, this doesn't even break the top 500. Think that's a tweet looking for a click.
Mirth it doesn't break the top 500 because it's obviously not as egregious as the lies reported directly on the war on Gazans but I thought it worth mentioning.
Not like I've had a high opinion on Western media before but the way US UK and continental media have a accelerated in disgracing themselves on all matters Palestine since last year there's zero reason to assume this was done for any harmless reason. The CCTV footage of the Sde Teiman rapes has been released for days now and I'm yet to see even a single big outlet report on it.
jones Economist has been a garbage magazine for 10+ years but this one is something else
The Economist was the rag publishing the ideological rationale for the "benevolent capitalist experiment" that caused the Great Famine in Ireland in the 19C, it's had some pretty fucking low lows before.
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Burnwinter oh yea there was that as well wasn't there. Not that far in the past because as we know stuff the great powers did during colonial times don't count any longer (Afghanistan 2001)
Fucking disgusting.
How many more of these headlines do we have to read? Another 100 plus civilians bombed to death for "harbouring militants".
If I were living like Palestinians in Gaza—even before this genocide—I'd probably be a militant.
When are the Magnitsky sanctions, severances of diplomatic relations, and broader state-sponsored economic sanctions and boycotts going to appear for this horror?
Yeh fuck Israel and their enablers ( that's means those paragons of virtue and human rights , the US and UK. )
What is going on in South Korea?
JazzG from what I've read, it's over a budget he sees as crippling to his administration and something like 20+ impeachment attempts led by the opposition that he claims is gumming up the works and holding the country hostage to a "legislative dictatorship". Accuses the opposition of being North Korea sympathizers and communists. Not sure how valid any of his claims are, and he's also massively unpopular.
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Sounds like the fall of Assad in Syria is imminent.
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Sigh. Sunni fundamentalist government incoming? It'd be a miracle if minority groups, who have been fighting this war as much as anyone, will get anything but more pain. Hope I'm wrong.
Unfortunately the trend of this period in time and maybe next decade a lot more instability and lots of geopolitical fall out ahead.
Coombs Yep be interesting to see what the "pro-democracy revolution" looks like this time. They've been pretty terrible everywhere else.
This all happened a lot quicker than anyone thought, when Aleppo fell recently some thought they’d put up a fight but with Russia + Iran not backing Assad all folded quickly.