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Coombs All they want is to stick it to the other side, they don't want to do any political work. They moan that they don't have time or energy, but we know that isn't really true.
People have considerable resources to resist everything that's happening but that if anything is cause for optimism. The Nick Land thesis is incorrect: capitalism is not an unstoppable, adaptive and inhumane machine, but a Rube Goldberg job that barely keeps operating.
People simply don't believe in the plans and efforts put before them, and that's not least because left vanguardists would rather refine their judgements than do anything. Which is another reason for anti-politics and the electoral successes of pseudo-fascist clowns.
Coombs The presence of the oligarchical super-rich hoarders of capital is a convenient excuse for people to pretend that nothing can be done.
It's just a descriptive fact about an absurd and historically unprecedented situation.
Coombs People are mean, stupid, and lazy.
And generous, intelligent and hard-working. But it is neither here nor there. People are people and fundamentally similar all over the world.
Coombs This killer isn't a hero
It's not important to me whether he is good or bad. That said, when I read his manifesto and his online output, the seeming broader landscape of thought struck me as conceptually incoherent, while his manifesto seemed comparably inarguable.
What is important is the pragmatics: what killing the CEO of a vast corporation does. So far, I would say it does little more than draw attention to the fact that these officials are just flesh and blood like everyone else. However, that's not nothing.
Captains of industry like Brian Thompson can be murdered as readily as their companies murder the public, and their wealth and privileges can be appropriated as readily as they appropriate the wealth and diminish the lives of others.
It's a banal orthodoxy that post-industrial economies have accepted a huge widening of the gap between the richest and poorest since the 70s at the same time as our labour movements have disintegrated and our parliaments have descended into an unrepresentative, managerialist farce.
Not controversial judgements, just descriptive facts. The system is killing people daily, so why shouldn't they kill it back? Why shouldn't the murder of CEOs be just as "systemic" as the losses of life and freedom inflicted by corporate abuses?