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Burnwinter Perhaps the United States can just wait another year, ten years, twenty years for M4A to get legislated?
We aren't waiting, because we don't actually want it. See my previous post. Better to focus our energies on state-level medicaid for all concepts or similar, just like marijuana legalization. National-level entertainment politics, the Trump soap opera, CEO assassinations, etc. aren't worth it.
Burnwinter Violent and illegal actions have always been a vital aspect of resistance to capital, because at its limit capital has always outlawed resistance and met it with violence.
Or, capital has always required violent resistance to justify its violent oppression.
Burnwinter It's the last day of work for an office I'm contracting to in Perth, Western Australia. Everyone in it is about to head off for a 1–2 week break with friends and family that they wouldn't receive were it not for the illegal strikes of 19C Britain.
You know how bourgeois this sounds, right? You don't get these kinds of benefits when you're poor. You just keep working. Workers' movements are a product of capitalism, not its antithesis. I think they are worthwhile, noble, and can sometimes help in certain circumstances, but the jobs they relate to are quickly fading. They also reinscribe the power of capital at every turn.
I helped on a campaign to pass a law that would allow public employees to collectively bargain in Colorado (it's illegal under state law), and when it finally got to the governor's office it was stripped down so much that I myself and everyone who worked on the bill was excluded! I still pay union dues, but it's basically lighting money on fire at this point.
Uprising, demands, revolution, I'm just not interested. Working small, making improvements, helping people face-to-face, this is what feels right to me in the face of all this hell. Think local, act local, change culture, and avoid platform/social media at all costs.
EDIT: I'm probably wrong about all of this, but this is the only way I have found to survive. The years of misery and death have certainly taken their toll. I just can't get any positive emotion out of some guy killing a baddie on the street, I only feel sad.