• The Arsenal
  • Arsenal v Sunderland | Premier League | Saturday 5th March 2011 - 15.00

Denilson and Rosicky shouldn't be Arsenal players.

After that match Chamakh should start the next game ahead of Nik.

We were not good but we were also robbed.

Left it too late. Officials fucked us over but it should never have come to that. Too many players were way below the required standard.

The last 15 mins were set up for Ramsey...what is the point of bringing him back?

I cannot fucking believe this. How many points have we lost because of refereeing decisions this season (and incidentally, how many have Utd won)? Absolutely disgusting. I can't believe the last time I was this angry. Why turn up at all if Fergie has decided we cannot score? Fucking cunts the lot of them. We deserved to win this game.

I think I just fractured my wrist punching a concrete wall. We're fucking chokers, you can talk about the ref screwing us over but it shouldn't have come to that. We've seen this teams true colour is in the last two weeks, and it's fucking yellow. Just hand the fucking title to the manc cunts by default, because they could lose all of their remaining fucking fixtures and we'd still FUCK IT UP. I'm seething over here......... ARGGHG FUCKING CHOKERS!!!

i don't think people fully realize how important passing skill and intelligence are when we are playing a passing based football. diaby, bendtner and denilson were killing us out there today.

How can referees be so fucking shit? It's unbelievable.

Why does Wenger put Ramsey on the bench when he has no intention of using him? Game was crying out for him.

The Liverpool game will be so unenjoyable now.

WBA is our next game. Hahahaha! You can see that result coming from a mile off.

Our own fault really, we only got going after the 60th minute.

BUT the referee was a cunt. Not one, but two calls. Unreal.

otfgoon wrote:

How can referee's be so fucking shit? It's unbelievable.

We haven't had a fair shake from the ref in the league since before the Everton game.

Typical Arsenal - get a great opportunity and throw it away.

Why the fuck did Denilson start that game? Got what we deserved.

10 games left 3 points in it. It's still massively up for grabs lads. Get Cesc, Theo, Song and Robin back and we'll be looking good again.

I'm personally not too negative about today.

...and why is wenger such a fucking idiot sometimes. why does he still persist with some of these players? players who have during several years proven time and time again they are not good enough.

Kel Varnsen wrote:

i don't think people fully realize how important passing skill and intelligence are when we are playing a passing based football. diaby, bendtner and denilson were killing us out there today.

This this this this this this this and fucking this.

Thanks Jeff Winter for telling us how the refs work. Fuck you cheating premierleague

The ref today is a 34 year old with little experience - or so I've been told. Why was he even in charge of a game like this?

Pleasing to know that FIFA have dealt with the far more serious issue of snoods.

We should have won despite the ref.

Why were we not on top for 70 mins?

qs! wrote:
otfgoon wrote:

How can referee's be so fucking shit? It's unbelievable.

We haven't had a fair shake from the ref in the league since before the Everton game.

Since we got a little to close to them you mean.