Hopefully Walcott when he remembers how to play football again.

Hard to believe that we've not managed to string more than two consecutive PL wins together this season.
Those early season days when we managed to cobble six PL games together without defeat actually seem decent compared to what we're serving up at the moment.

(@Orbinho) tweeted at 5:02 PM on Thu, Jan 01, 2015:
33 points after 20 games is Arsenal's lowest points tally in the league since 1994-95 when they finished 12th

y va marquer wrote:

Hard to believe that we've not managed to string more than two consecutive PL wins together this season.
Those early season days when we managed to cobble six PL games together without defeat actually seem decent compared to what we're serving up at the moment.

Yeah the fabled good run to save 4th is looking less and less likely by the week.

It'll make our last day win to get 4th all the more sweet for Wenger though and the media will tell us how it was an amazing comeback.

I know injuries have destabilised us but I wonder if the FA cup win has impacted the player mentality negatively

Bit like when you complete a game and you lose interest in playing it again. Just don't think the hunger is there

y va marquer wrote:

(@Orbinho) tweeted at 5:02 PM on Thu, Jan 01, 2015:
33 points after 20 games is Arsenal's lowest points tally in the league since 1994-95 when they finished 12th

Doesn't feel like it looking at the table, we're still in a position where we could be third in the space of two games. We've been very fortunate that everyone else is dire too. That could quickly change though.

Or it could get even worse and we could be 10th in 2 games time.

I reckon the WC win has messed up our Germans heads big time.

Well Ozil and Podolski aren't playing. Per retired for internationals hasn't he? Maybe he is in a funk.

Yep. We've got the least German Germans going

Only Alexis, Giroud, Welbeck and Ramsey look like they care about the score

And Cazorla, he's carried a lot on his midget shoulders since November.

Cazorla has been holding things together in midfield for weeks now. Ox always gives 100% too. TBH I don't think the not caring thing is real at all. I don't really rate Debuchy or Welbeck but I wouldn't put it down to them not caring. They just aren't that good. People seem to think Per doesn't care because he's cumbersome as shit.

The whole teams a mess. There is no balance to it, they're poorly coached and half them aren't 100% fit. They're either coming off an injury (Kos, Debuchy, etc) or they're in the red from playing non-stop (Sanchez, Welbeck, Per, etc)

In fact thats probably whats wrong with Per. Barely missed a game all last season, went to the World Cup, played basically every game this season bar the opener.

otfgoon wrote:
y va marquer wrote:

(@Orbinho) tweeted at 5:02 PM on Thu, Jan 01, 2015:
33 points after 20 games is Arsenal's lowest points tally in the league since 1994-95 when they finished 12th

Doesn't feel like it looking at the table, we're still in a position where we could be third in the space of two games. We've been very fortunate that everyone else is dire too. That could quickly change though.

And then everyone will forget how dire Wenger is. 

can we forfeit a europa cup place? that tournament feels like some kind purgatory

Tony Montana wrote:

What if we don't actually get 4th place?

then maybe a reason for Wengs to fuck off for once. At the very least one less excuse!

Gazza M wrote:

can we forfeit a europa cup place? that tournament feels like some kind purgatory

I think it would be adequate and deserved punishment for the team.

I almost hope we keep Wenger if we do fall out of Champions League reckoning. Make no mistake, he will find ways to embarrass himself even at that level.
