I just saw the poll now, and I remembered why it looked interesting to me: This is like a knife that opens us Arsenal fans in two, and looks at what's really inside. Look at these (aptly constructed, BW) questions, take note of the issues at hand, and look at these results. Very interesting.
A good test, or a mirror, is one that has you standing exposed, without a way to hide (from) the truth. And this one has it: we're at a point where our club and our patience have come to the deciding moment. We now have money, we can aim for the top, and we certainly cannot remain without a win any longer. It is the moment where we clearly indicate what is the truth about our identity - where are we aiming. Are we a past top team - or do we aim to be one again?
And we can have all the "what are we aiming for" questions and doubts lifted in one second: if we sign Suarez. Nobody in or outside the club will think we have another aim if we more than double the record buy. And by insisting and fighting for one (you can also add: in the face of controversy, too). The ambition is clear.
On the other hand, another angle is also unavoidable: there just is a moral issue here, as no one can ignore the moral issues Suarez is connected to. But there is also a club identity question here: do we compromise like that? (of course one needs to remember that the ambition thing also gets into the club-identity equation).
Now you can have a look and see how people move on this. It is evident that the issues are not side issues, and that people feel very strongly about them. A moral-practical dilemma is in front of us, and we need to settler this (BTW - moral dilemma? I think not. A moral dilemma occurs when two moral actions collide, and each choice one makes entails doing something wrong - wrong in the moral sense).
I feel rotten for being excited about this.
Wilshere's words very aptly represent this corner most people feel like they're in.
(myself obviously with the fuck no, though the other no's add something. But it'd be a cop out if I used them: I'd put the question to me, and others: suppose he wouldn't "disrupt", and would indeed play in a way that merits 40 mil. Won us something big, if you want to put the question at it's clearest. But remain an utter cunt, with all the moral flaws: racist, cannibal, cheat, and an embarrassing human being in general.
Would you still: fuck, no? and I say yes, though it's not with an easy heart I do. So I'm a bit like a negative wilshere - stomach ain't turning, but feeling the opposite of excited).