Damn Nwaneri dribbling all the way into the box.
UCL R16 PSV v Arsenal Tues 4 March 8pm
I feel bad for them. Bring on Sterling for some relief.
PSV no intensity
RocktheCasbah Pity anyone who gave this game a miss.
Unfortunately i did because its not on TV and i dont have a stream, so im just following along here.
Im quite liking the black kit with the white shorts and black socks. Breaks it up a bit. Lol.
Gabriel should've had that
USArsenal yeah, you don't count as giving it a miss, you've just had to miss it. Not the same thing.
This has been one of the most open games in a while. End to end. Gives ts space for counters. We can actually run a bit.
Nwaneri just wants to score whenever he goes forward.
That's not a criticism of him btw, I love it - he's a teenage assassin.
Panda true, it makes me forget entirely about our PL campaign.
Great game by Trossard.
He's damn near back to his top form.
RocktheCasbah delights me. You score by shooting.
Proper trolling subs
Sterling coming on. Time to turn off the telly
Even Sterling could score
Wojoooo another by Ode
1-6 Ode
Odes back. Haters in tatters.