Haha, reminds me of a couple of seasons ago, season we finished 5th, I sat next two a couple of right plonkers who were moaning all the way through the match about Arteta.
I was getting well irritated, fortunately the guy in front of me turned around 10 mins before the game and told them ‘for the love of god please shut up and let us watch the last 10 mins without having to listen to you to moan’ and it worked a treat. We scored a last min goal which got the crowd going, one of them stood up, looked at him mate and said ‘idiots’ and left as we chased another goal.
I thanked the other guy later as we were leaving 😆
Only other time I got irritated was also against Brighton, this time in the league cup, guy next to me was relentlessly going on about how shit Eddie is. He’s another who left early.