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You'd hope so but they seem to hold us in contempt and seem to think of themselves as being above the law so I wonder how long that would last. Behind closed doors I hope Arsenal are talking to them about this and reminding them that if they make a big deal about this, it could be potentially very damaging for them.

the referees are behaving like someone who is not used to being criticized or questioned. like police might do when they've beaten up another defenseless black guy. they close ranks and find fault in the protest. BLM is a radical movement. the whole culture around PGMOL needs to change. they need to become much more peripheral in the game, and see themselves as an enabler, not an authority

    Was nice to see one coach and Arteta immediately shepherd MLS away from the fourth official to protect him. Hopefully he’s not traumatised

    Claudius I think the references to Howard Webb and his connection to the South Yorkshire police force are quite interesting in this regard. They're probably the most infamous force in the land.

    Calling in favours from mates in the media, Holt showing as usual what a bellend he is

    Just build an AI model on Pierluigi Collina and be done with it. Expand the semi automated technology to include all decisions and make it very binary what is and isn't a rule breach. Remove all subjectivity and interpretation out of the game and apply the letter of the law on all occasions.

    Claudius there was a brief moment a couple of seasons ago where PGMOL would apologise but they ended up making an apology every other week. So they’ve doubled down instead.

    • est likes this.

    You can’t bullshit a bullshitter. Interesting timing here post Oliver gate. I’ve never seen a bunch of weak humans as worse as these in my life. Wasn’t Coote pictured with Thai prossies? Hahahaha

    • IBL replied to this.

      Coombs check the article I just posted for the image I saw that gives Oliver cover. VAR on the other hand has no excuse.

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      In emergency break glass and release the coming out story. In full crisis management mode now, think we can’t see past their shit.

      [edit]Seen people say wouldn’t be surprising if they’ve forced him to come out to deflect attention, wouldn’t put anything past them.

        JazzG I'm not convinced that there is a driver behind those stories,I think it's clear the PGMOL don't seem like they plan to rescind and would be leaving it to the review panel. When do we put our appeal in or have we already done it?

        Claudius seen one just like it over the weekend. Absolutely nothing given, not even a protest. Commentators said nothing. Just got on with it.

        Sicario2 - Tier 1 really piling it on strong for the sympathy angle now for these poor refs

          IBL it also appears that those threats preceded our game. They are related to a Liverpool game. Which I am inclined to believe because Liverpool fans are radicalised. They once closed down the most popular American soccer podcast because the hosts dared to suggest the fans bore partial responsibility for Hillsborough. Fans threatened to kill everyone. This was 15 years ago.
          PGMOL are just a little mafia. I'm impressed that they got Sky to pull down their images and are controlling narrative. Incredibly political and powerful. Men with black whistles who make 100,000 a year. Insane when you think about it. Fucking PL dog being wagged all over the show.

          • IBL likes this.

          We've appealed the red card.

          Friends in the media are still trying their hardest to control the narrative. A lot of old school media struggling with social media in that respect, they can't control the messaging any more.

          Just remember, all they had to do was just say they got it wrong and they would look into this and overturn the red card. Instead they've chosen to go down this path, the rot run deeps.