Poor Stuivenberg. Got a lot of flack when we were not doing well and gets blamed whenever our football looks boring, but none of the credit when we're doing well.

I don't think change is a bad thing regardless though. Having some new ideas come in can only help.

    QuincyAbeyie The things I've read about Heinze don't exactly have me convinced.

    Got any links to what you've read? I don't know too much about him.

      goon Poor Stuivenberg. Got ... none of the credit when we're doing well.
      Having some new ideas come in can only help.

      😂 Poor Stuivenberg indeed.

      JazzG mainly just from fans. That he's very conservative/old school, which doesn't sound like what we're doing now.

      Edit: Some comments here

        Restricted water ffs? 😆

        All seriousness, since Arteta's definitely going to kick on for at least one more season, and barring disasters will remain our coach for the foreseeable future, it'd be great if we got an innovator to replace Stuivenberg.

        That's nothing against Stuivenberg—he surely does deserve a lot of credit for how we've been going over the past couple of seasons, and Arteta evidently relies heavily on him. But we can't get fresh ideas in without new personnel, and we can't change Arteta, who still has a few flaws …

        Changes in staff aren't always a bad thing. I honestly believe one of the reasons Fergie did so well for such a long time was because of the different staff he had during different eras. Brian Kidd, Steve McLaren, Carlos Queiroz and Rene Meulensteen all bought different ideas. One of the reason for me Wenger in the end went stale was his main No.2 remained the same throughout and there weren't different ideas bought in to challenge him.

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