JazzG have you read "I Alone Can Fix It"?
It's a horror story. And its subject is Trump's final year in office. You might feel differently once you've read it.
Burns - Oborne isn't saying Trump and Johnson invented this battery of the truth - he actually holds Tony Bliar mostly responsible for it. But he is saying the way in which Johnson in particular just lied and lied and lied to suit his own ends (and damage others) was pretty unprecedented - see lying to the Queen to prorogue Parliament.
As for Starmer and his approval ratings - he's had 3 months in office. I don't think anyone over here expects him to magically sort everything out in that time. I wish the BBC, in particular, had been a bit more attentive to our previous governments and their failures.
Perhaps that's expecting too much when you have Robbie Gibb, Theresa May's former director of Comms heading up BBC News output - and then sitting on the BBC board with oversight on their impartiality!