incredible the curve that this utter fuckstick gets graded on. in the last 2 weeks alone, he has publicly and repeatedly:
- threatened to withhold aid from states that don't adopt his policy positions
- said he'd look at revoking CBS' broadcast license because he didn't like how one of kamalas interview was edited
- been outed for sending hospital grade covid supplies to putin in 2020
- talked about invoking the alien act of 1798 to get rid of immigrants
- said that law enforcement will be given total federal immunity to enforce the above
and the above weren't singular off the cuff comments - he's repeated most of them in different interviews 2-3 times. feels like when trump speaks, the words of nazi gollum Stephen miller come spilling out verbatim. Ive never seen the tactic of 'flooding the zone with shit' employed so effectively
the idea of supporting this because he's some kind anti-establishment peoples champion simply doesn't wash. he's going to install a start-up oligarchy that will be far shittier than the old one, and put the absolute dregs of society in charge to oversee it