Sounds like a waste of time for politicians

In fairness, reasons to hope in the US are limited right now. Pretty ironic that vote when you think of it

I'm sure a lot of people are going to suffer, and die as a direct result of his policies, and I feel sorrow for them/us as a country. But I'm glad that at least the victims will cut across both political parties so even his voters are going to feel the pain their vote has brought them.

International Day of Hope, sounds like the type of nonsense that would come out of the UN....

Moving in the right direction at least.

    JazzG I'm not sure that is totally accurate given he said he's in favour of it but it has to deal with the root cause of the war which was massively undefined. Also didn't trump say Russia was ready for peace why haven't they immediately accepted.

    Like I said moving in the right direction, still miles away from any kind of agreement.

    "tHe wOKe lEfT iS bLOCkiNG fReE sPeEcH oN cAMpUs"

      Burnwinter you know what’s interesting is this isn’t a new idea. I used to hear my conservative friends complain that liberal arts co@@eges blocked their speech. This was twenty years ago.
      The feeling was that they weren’t freely able to talk about Christianity, being anti-LGBTQI, gun ownership, small government etc. traditional conservative stuff, not even the current insanity.

        Claudius The feeling was that they weren’t freely able to talk about Christianity, being anti-LGBTQI, gun ownership, small government etc. traditional conservative stuff, not even the current insanity.

        I remember having robust conversations with pro-life kids (and I'm sure there are some OMITT members who are pro-life, I'm just using it as an example) at university back in the 00s.

        Reality in Australia was back then, and is now, that there are ample "safe spaces" for conservatives on campus, but they don't much like it when you get stuck into them. They'll still shut you down if you mention Marx in your MBA seminar.

        This however is the blatant suppression of free speech in support of blatant war crimes and genocide. I'm not sure how much clearer it could be.

        jones I don't know why you bring the Deveselu shield into the cold war argument or even the RIM-161. The RIM was operational like 2-3 years after U.S. withdrew from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Trearty. Also like I said, Deveselu hosts only three launchers, which is laughable in the context of nuclear war. Even if modified, it wouldn't be able to stop a Russian nuclear barrage. And like I said It is almost impossible to use SM-3 missiles for offensive strikes — they lack explosive warheads. Even Russia knows Deveselu can't stop their ICBMs, but they use it as an excuse to justify the shit they do.

        "Syria for 14 years, Burkina Faso or Mali" you're just throwing out anything at this point.

        Yeah, I'm just casually throwing a few of the conflicts they've fueled, while you conveniently ignore the other 20 wars they've triggered in Eastern Europe, none caused by NATO.

        And don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of the West or the U.S., but this whataboutism people use to defend Russia is getting ridiculous.

        Yes, some NATO countries and the U.S. have done their fair share of shit, but put together, it's still nothing compared to what Russia has done and continues to do.
        They are, and always will be, an imperialist country, Fuck em all is what I'm saying.

        If you really believe countries are independent and sovereign and can do what they want I don't think there's much common ground to find, we'll have to agree to disagree mate.

        But if they aren't, then why are the 2 of us even talking about European colonialism in Africa?
        If the strong do what they want, and the weak suffer what they must, then we should all just lay down and take it, right?
        No response, no resistance — just accept imperialism and shut the fuck up.

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