Mirth but I do feel like the dialogue here sees Eastern Europe as a bunch of NPCs.
That's exactly the problem and why it was all wrong from the start. The calculus treated people like sacrificial animals, and geopolitical interests as primary. Life in all of its specificity is worth more than some general notion of being Ukrainian. Dying for Ukraine, or for Russia, is meaningless. Absolutely meaningless. I am not totally unsympathetic. The borderlands of empire will always be contested. Ukraine literally means borderland, after all. It's a difficult position to navigate.
Independence, however, is a failed concept of decolonization. Probably better to build autonomy at the community level within a sprawling empire that barely notices you than to try to seize and control a fundamentally arbitrary part of the world to which you associate your national identity. It just results in more strife.
This is not least because all national histories are myths that reinvent the past to suit contemporary agendas. That includes Ukrainian national mythologies as well as Russian, Palestinian as well as Israeli, etc. Just garbled stories used for their contemporary political utility that are not worth fighting over.
As I see it, too many are willing to roar like lions just so others can die like dogs.