banduan if you're not available at the time, you can set up a wishlist, and the highest placed player will be drafted when it's your turn. If all players on your wishlist are already taken, you'll then get the highest placed player from a predetermined" draft rank" based on the developers' expectations of the players (Haaland number 1, Kane number 2 etc).

Only 3 of us in the draft so far.

Yeah cmon guys need more to start

So in a draft, each player can only be owned by 1 team?

I just spent a load of time creating a team for fantasy and have only just realised it's different to draft 🙁

    Pepe LeFrits Yeah correct and you take turns to choose so have to be really tactical.

    You can just set up in the order you want while predicting which players will get choosen first.

    Pepe LeFrits Nope, draft has no budget at all. Just fit in as many good players as possible. No limits on the amount of players from any club too so you can technically build all Arsenal

    Wow perennial winner Dragan is in as well

    I really don't hope you guys use your 90 seconds. We usually do 30. 😆

      5th pick ffs. Always fixed.

      QuincyAbeyie Didn't realise I could change it to 30. Anyway whoever that's afk will be automatically given the best available player after the first round I think

      I just joined having never played draft before! Let's see how it goes, Got Haaland 1st pick so I'm guessing good 😛