Let’s be honest there will be a point where everyone sacrifices their morals and I suspect Henderson’s were never that strong to begin with.

That being said it’s fun watching him being criticised.

    It was a nice bit of branding for Henderson but now there is a better offer on the table he's moving his brand elsewhere. Its easy for a footballer in the UK to take a stand in support of gay rights because its the default position in the UK. There was never anything brave about it to begin with.

      QuincyAbeyie Most people want more money. You see billionaires out there working with bad regimes to get a bit more richer. This is life changing money for Henderson, if the £700k a week tax free rumours are true he'll probably make more in a year out in Saudi than he has in his whole football career. He is coming to the end of his career and this sets him up, fair play to him.

      Qwiss Look at LeBron when it came to Hong Kong, as soon a stance would hurt his bottom dollar the guy was like fuck that. Look I've got no problem with that as well, you gotta look out for yourself but it does make him a hypocrite.

      goon A lot of these celebrities are like that, these people have no morals to begin with and they will go in whichever direction the wind blows.

      It's not fucking fair play with the things he's been saying in media. 😂

      Youre basically saying "I've got no issues with this because these people have no morals" but you don't explain why it's apparently not a problem to not have any morals.

      I think you might be misunderstanding me. I have never had any respect for Henderson and I don't have any now either. I do think people should have morals but I also believe many people put their faith in the wrong people. Many celebrities have put aside their morals for their fame and these are not people who young impressionable people should be looking to for moral guidance. It would be like having faith in a politician to do the right thing, these people don't give a shit and what is why they are in the industry they are.

      I'm not gonna look down on anyone for taking the money, he's at the end of his career and is very injury prone now. I would look down on him if he took the money and still sat on his moral high horse....

      5 days later

      lorddulaarsenal you need to put a proper warning notice on that. Viewer discretion is advised y'all.

      Fucking hell. That definitely needs a warning before viewing.

      Oooh that's a real nasty one.

      Clrnc brilliant, exactly how I’d feel as well.

      This guy is still good enough to play in any of Europe’s top leagues and probably be one of the top 5 in Europe. A few months ago he was the best player at the World Cup so he ain’t past it.

      If anything him going there now is good for the MLS, they get to see him in good form.

      That’s up there with the best ever free kicks he’s ever scored

      Clrnc Around 1:42 and various replays afterwards … POV you're a random MLS forward and Leo fuckin' Messi is receiving and transferring the ball perfectly and casually to you for a juicy attempt on goal …

      and to think if daniel levy wasn't such a worthless prick kane would have been sold to man city and they wouldn't have haaland and history is different with this cursed footballer wearing city's #9.