Anyone have any idea how to get tickets for old firm derby?
Seems insane that even reseller websites has no tickets available for this
Anyone have any idea how to get tickets for old firm derby?
Seems insane that even reseller websites has no tickets available for this
Not a chance unless you know someone in a supporters club.
I live in TromsĆø. What do you want to know?
Kel Varnsen Decided to skip Tromso mate, unfortunately couldn't fit it in with the change of timing for the Liverpool away match. Chose abisko and Rovaniemi to go instead.
Tam is doing the Ibrox tour worth it in your opinion? Everyone recommends visiting Celtic Park but thought of going Ibrox instead
In Paris all next week if anyone about and wants a pint. Debating going to the France Netherlands match
I can't speak from experience for either tour. I'd say Ibrox is perhaps more of a traditional stadium (marble staircase, lots of wood panelling, distinct stands) whereas Celtic Park is more a bit more modern. I reckon you'd be happy with either really. Might be worth having a look at the photos tab on Tripadvisor for Ibrox and Celtic Park to get a feel and see what jumps out at you.
How long are you in Glasgow?
Ideal. Never been myself but thereās apparently a bar in Glasgow that the supporters club watch games, Alfieās on West Nile Street, but you should find the game on in a lot of pubs on Sunday afternoon if youāre about and looking for it.
Give me a shout if you want any recommendations or are looking for ideas.
Having a mind-bogglingly good holiday in Khao Lak at the moment, and I say that as someone who's holidayed in Thailand quite a few times.
Went on a couple of island scuba dives in the Similans today. My group descended into vast schools of fish from the surface to the eighteen metre deep summit of a large coral pinnacle. There was a ridiculous amount of action, felt like more fish than I've seen on the Great Barrier Reef, the whole ocean was teeming. We circled this beautifully decorated pinnacle (aka "Yellow Rock") down to thirty metres deep, popping up over its back ridge. I was surrounded by schools of smaller reef fish, with hunting packs of trevally and jackfish skimming around the outside in the deeper blue.
Out off the sea floor I guess, this six metre manta ray suddenly billows up, moving like a black and white pennant in the breeze, flapping gently like a magic carpet. Everyone in my group of four divers gets super excited ā¦ it's the right season to see mantas, but it's still far from a common thing.
I think I had about three minutes pure interaction with this creature, hovering over it ā¦ don't reckon I ever got closer than about 3ā5 metres away, but I could see it looking at me, checking me out. I was tracking it intently during this whole period, after which I realised I'd chased myself about thirty metres from my group and drifted up 5ā10 metres (which is not so good), and had to deflate my buoyancy vest like mad to go rejoin the crew.
Talk about experiences you never knew you needed ā¦
Burnwinter sounds awesome Burnsy. I've never been scuba diving but would really like to try it, especially now I live on the coast. What else are you getting up to over there?
Yeah the uzh Daz, one nice thing this trip was hiring a capable motorbike from the get go. A lot of the onshore tours are mostly just taxis.
I've done the scuba, a fair bit of sea canoeing, and a lot of sitting on the beach and hanging out in cafƩs and restaurants. Transiting via Bangkok I went to the Muay Thai at Rajadamnern (second time for me).
Aside from yesterday's paso doble with a manta, my highlight of this trip was probably riding a couple of hours down the coast to Phuket on Songkran and getting unexpectedly pelted with water guns and jugs of water all through the suburbs of Phuket. Stopped in a crowd and an old fella tipped a whole bucket over me with a massive Tony Abbott lizard grin. Quite euphoric times.
There's good espresso and legal weed everywhere you go here now.
Recommend scuba by the way. I did my open water in Timor Leste and got my "advanced" (deeper dive licence more or less) on the Great Barrier Reef. Have done about forty dives now and it's still a pretty special way to spend time.
I am so so desperate for this kind of holiday since 2020, sounds like a blast mate! I love the teasing welcome you've been getting from the locals. You're managing to pack in quite a lot from the sounds of it. Do you find fleshing out the itinerary a bit of a bane or do you take no issue or even enjoyment from that? Or perhaps your partner and friends take lead? Can't expect it from my mates, plus I am single so it weighs on my capacity to act.
I've been meaning to take a basic scuba course in a tank/pool here in the UK so I am bit more ready to go for any opportunity. Would love to be in a position to explore at 30m at least- that depth should be pretty accessible to a beginner I imagine? EDIT: looked it up and its not that easy.
Yeah this trip's just been really fun. Zero pressure and lots of nice serendipitous bits and pieces happening.
KingslandBarge Do you find fleshing out the itinerary a bit of a bane or do you take no issue or even enjoyment from that?
I've been to Thailand a few times before, but apart from the flights this was all booked or improvised since a day or two before departure. In fact I would definitely have saved a bit of cash if I'd booked less, this area is into shoulder season and everything is rather quiet.
I didn't know beforehand I'd booked these flights across Thai New Year, I actually moved the flights at short notice from last September for work and life reasons. So that's been lucky.
With notable exceptions (let's say you want to do the proper Inca Trail or go to Bhutan, then you'd better book well ahead), it seems better just to have an idea of the type of fun you wanna have and whereārenting a motorcycle was very central to my thinking on this oneāthen go places that aren't too chocked up with tourists, and don't fret about optimising.
A friend of mine has recently been improvising his way across Central Asia and has been having a great time. Got himself invited to a Kazakh wedding, spent a week volunteering rebuilding a farmhouse in Turkey ... you've got tons of latitude travelling these days, given the way accommodation can be booked, transport located at the last minute, and so on.
Sounds just wonderful Burnsy - being that close to a manta ray would be so so special. I haven't dived for years but would love to do some more again.
I'm planning on doing the snorkeling with whale sharks thing at Ningaloo in 2025 with some mates - gotta get your planning in early!
We were meant to be in Vanuatu last week but issues with aircraft maintenance meant the trip got cancelled less than a day before departure, so we went to Broadbeach on the Gold Coast instead. I've never been there before and was pleasantly surprised. The ocean was 25 degrees, surf was perfect for body surfing and there are some great restaurants. And it's apparently waaaay nicer than Surfers Paradise.
Tam Experienced the old firm derby, gotta say it's probably the best atmosphere I have been to, louder than Anfield. Would probably have been even better if the Rangers fans are allowed in the stadium, when Rangers scored the feeling was so weird, whole stadium went quiet. Felt like the goal was offside or something. Fans were extremely friendly and it just felt like a carnival atmosphere. Thought Scotland is by far the friendliest and helpful country I have been to.
Also went for the Ibrox tour. Like you said, it was very traditional compared to the more modern Celtic Park, surprised it was rated 5 star by Uefa compared to 4 star for Celtic. Didn't know Rangers regard Arsenal as their closest club friend and we shared many history together. Also didn't realise Gerrard was basically your Arteta, changed the club entirely and even much of the stadium and training ground.
Asterix I'm planning on doing the snorkeling with whale sharks thing at Ningaloo in 2025 with some mates - gotta get your planning in early!
Hoping for a shot at this myself, but in Timor this October ... would be another one of those transformative moments I'm sure. Still buzzing from the manta.