New Threads
Yeah once you read a thread it goes to where you last left off. But I agree we should be more willing to start new ones.
Yeah, the new platform remembers where you were in each thread, provided you're logged in when you're browsing.
Much superior to the old situation. It's up to the mods to lock old threads and start new ones, go for it ...
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Probably no harm. I think if you're a new user it might discourage you from joining in if all you see is a bunch of threads with 10k posts. It can be hard to join a conversation in the middle so smaller threads are probably a bit more accessible
I've also noticed something else that speaks for more, shorter threads. Unless I'm just technologically impaired it's no longer possible to search for posts, only thread titles. And within a long thread, only a small part is visible no matter where you are on the scrolling wheel, so CTRL + F doesn't work either.
QuincyAbeyie Nah you're not, the out of the box search function is fairly limited. I've had issues finding stuff with it. There are extensions that enhance it but they require a bit of work to install correctly otherwise they kill forum performance, so I am not looking at them for the moment
Pepe LeFrits You fellas are off the mark? For instance this query on the term impaired
with latest
sort returns QuincyAbeyie's post above.
Or is the issue that the results are just in thread form ... ?
Burnwinter yeah, looking at mobile here if you've got a really specific term that shows the individual post in the first few results it's fine, but otherwise you just get a load of threads
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... anyway sorry, getting off topic. I already locked some of the dated super threads in the transfer forum, so I suggest folks start creating new threads more
Pepe LeFrits would it be possible where the default, if there is no previous read history, is to take you to the last post in a thread? That might make it easier for new people.
Big Willie Nah … it'd suck to always be sent to the bottom of a new discussion that popped up with 10, 50 or 100 posts in it, you're usually gonna want to read the opening post.
Reckon whatever irritation there is from scrolling down long threads migrated from the MyBB forum will evaporate very soon …
Pepe LeFrits so everything in the past is basically gone then :/ google searching " "x" doesn't really work either for some reason. Shame, not complaining of course but would be great to look up some stuff from the last few years at some point in the future
Based on checking Flarum forums, this is something that'll get updated or become an extension, the development team seems engaged with the problem … on those boards there are people citing the same issues as here and getting a hearing.
Poor Gunner89 won't be able to gotcha me anymore
Yeah, well … based on what I'm seeing, it'll either get fixed or it'll half kill the product not getting fixed.
There is also at least one search extension, but I'm not clear if it does results as posts, not discussions or just improves performance by integrating Elasticsearch (which is a bit of a chore for Pep and useless for us).