Simple passes across the field there and neither Rabiot nor Varane can make them as they're so one footed

France falling for the Argentinian “game management”

Refs been very one sided.

All this French excuses out here, weren’t they Equally as bad against Morocco and won off two jammy goals??

That Di Maria is back has been a godsend for Argentina. Still doing the business at almost 35 years old.

    QuincyAbeyie the only other player in that side aside from Messi who has played in big occasions

    Man, Koundé .... its hard to watch.

    Mac Allister would be a very good addition to our midfield. Shame he plays for Brighton.

    arsedocmd France getting back into the game slowly

    Aye, will be interesting if they pull one back.

    arsedocmd Argentina have dropped off and France are naturally getting more of the ball. Still clueless as to what to do with it.

    This is terrible. Cant wait to get back to some quality football next week.

    France will have to start taking chances. That will leave them even more open at the back.

    Well the next 20 mins are going to be historic no matter what now

    De Paul. What a cunt. Dude is on the ground from a gust of wind

    Penalty. 2-1. Shit defending by Otamendi.