Claudius wrote:Nobody is saying sweep this under the rug. I am happy for us to have an open TP4 channel. We can even pin at the top of Arsenal forum if we want so that we can share case updates, and any meaningful protests.
I am not interested in coming here to listen to people moralizing. Honestly, I do not give a shit about that. If you are moralizing, please also back that with "I wrote a letter to Vinai about how distasteful I find all of this." But if you are going to come here and spout of at Jazz, Claudius and other fans for being part of the problem and you're not at the forefront of keeping rapists out of football, then please give it a rest.
I don't have the time, energy or influence to keep rapists out of football. I mostly don't even have the time to post here, though I read it almost every day and with it being a small community we all have some influence and a voice here. To suggest people can't comment on issues such as this without sending letters to club management is downright stupid.
Whether you like it or not, you're attitude is part of the problem. We're all culpable of overlooking the issue in that we're not taking the action Klaus did, but it's not black and white, and Partey is not Arsenal. You said it yourself about compartmentalising. There is a difference though between acknowledging, 'accepting' the situation as it, calling it out for being wrong and letting justice run it's course, and consciously overlooking it to praise or discuss the positive points of the footballer. If you're willing to overlook the issue in order to discuss the individual's footballing merits, you are part of the problem.
JazzG wrote:Everyone wants to be a social justice warrior nowadays, get ahead of the curve...What does worry me is this mentality also means if the police says he has no charge to answer for some they won't go back on their view either. Nobody is absolving Partey of anything but nowadays people want to take a side even when you don't know the full facts.
The thing is, it is common knowledge a lot of football players have very scummy and questionable behaviour. This hasn't happened recently either, where young people get exposed to fame, money and girls it brings the worse out in people. That said these footballers also attract a particular type of women as well, many of whom aren't exactly model citizens themselves. Despite knowing this many of us still choose to watch football. What our players do in their private lives does not concern me, unless it is illegal of course.
Social Justice Warrior, those who go around preaching to others about what is right and wrong. Evidence doesn't matter to some, all that matters is if you're not with them then you're against them.
Unless I'm missing something has all the evidence been released?
Let's put aside the SJW nonsense and focus on the evidence. We'll likely never know the full extent of evidence. As with the vast majority of sexual assault cases this likely won't ever make court because the evidence might not be strong enough to get a conviction. As Burnsy outlined elsewhere this is already one of only a small percentage where the complainant has reported it. In the vast majority of instances where the crime occurs and it can't be proven beyond doubt in court, as is potentially/likely the case with Partey, are you suggesting we should then move on and ignore it despite any evidence we are aware of? The evidence is there for those who wish to see it, you're choosing to ignore it because you had a mate experience an unfortunate situation. It's not wrong to wish to see more evidence, it is wrong to ignore what has already been made public with the excuse that you don't have all the facts.
What if it goes to court and there is overwhelming evidence of wrongdoing by Partey that would pretty much convince any reasonable member of the public he is guilty, but the defence manages to establish some reasonable doubt with the jury? Or if his defence managed to get him off on a technicality despite it being clearly beyond reasonable doubt that he is guilty? In those circumstances a court would declare him not guilty. Where do you stand on that?
I won't go back on my view of Partey. I don't need a jury's view of reasonable doubt to help me in making that decision.