In your opinion, from an Arsenal content across social media perspective who is the best out of the following:

1) Best Arsenal blogger: A) the veteran Arseblog b) Le Grove c) James aka gunnerblog from the Atheltic d) Chris Wheatley

2) Best Arsenal YouTube channel: a) AFTV b) Online Gooner c) Arsenal official themselves D) Hugh Wizzy E) Turkish F) Lee Gunner G) Claude’s channel

3) Best Arsenal ITK A) Romano B) Ornstein C)AFCCamden D)AFCBell E)The Horse F) James Benge

4) Best Arsenal podcast: A) Ornstein B) Arseblog C) Arsenal Vision Podcast D) All Gunz Blazing - AFTV

5) Best Arsenal Social Media personality A) Robbie Lyle B) Tim Stillman C) Le Grove D) YankieGooner E) DT F) Troopz G) Arseblog H) Amy Lawerence I) Gunnerblog J) Osman the Gooner K) Ornstein L) Ian Wright M) Piers Morgan N) Darren Arsenal O) Klaus P) Clive Arsenal

6) Best Arsenal forum: A) One more in the tolly B) Arsenal-Mania C) American Gooners

Please let me know if I’ve missed anyone

On Arsenal podcasts, I actually like Tuesday Club and The Athletic’s Handbrake Off. Handbrake Off is great because Lee Dixon gives a ton of first-hand insight as a player. And Tuesday Club is hilarious relief for our times. And neither gets overly concerned with contracting/budget/agents rubbish that dominates all other Arsenal discussion.

Interesting, will have a look at that one.

All I know is that everything AFTV + Piers Morgan should be removed from the alternatives.

Some AFTV ‘pundits’ are not bad tbf

Quincy Abeyie wrote:

All I know is that everything AFTV + Piers Morgan should be removed from the alternatives.

Piers should’ve stayed in 2019 with Covid.

Sicario wrote:

Some AFTV ‘pundits’ are not bad tbf

I genuinely pray you're a troll. 

I listened to All Gunz Blazing based on the above recommendation. Don’t touch it. Just benighted men babbling for half an hour.

Claudius wrote:

On Arsenal podcasts, I actually like Tuesday Club and The Athletic’s Handbrake Off. Handbrake Off is great because Lee Dixon gives a ton of first-hand insight as a player. And Tuesday Club is hilarious relief for our times. And neither gets overly concerned with contracting/budget/agents rubbish that dominates all other Arsenal discussion.

Same. I also like Arseblogs podcast, more so the one with James Gunnerblog than the other people he gets on.

Tuesday Club is the best, but Arseblog and Arsenal Vision are in the rotation. Handbrake Off is mixed way too low for my shitty Bluetooth speaker in my loud, late 80s truck.

Arsecast Extra is my favorite for proper discussion and despite being really long never feels like a drag. I don't really bother with Arsecast.

Tuesday Club is entertaining enough but it depends who's on it. Ian Stone and Tayo give it a nice wholesome balance, but I can't stand Keith Dover.

Stone and Popoola are good, yea. Harris is quite boring and Dover can get tiresome, but I mostly like that the show is primarily about being a fan, rather than all the boardroom analysis and financial crap that bogs Arseblog down. Clive and Stillman can be quite good on Arsenal Vision, but fall into some regular patterns as well. They rely on the results and performances and when they get stale, so can the show.

Yeah, I like the Tuesday Club mainly because its run by people who are mercifully out of the loop when it comes to the latest gossip on Twitter. I'd much rather listen to Alan or Ian talk about going to Winterslag away in the 80s or coming up with chants rather than the usual variation on a theme.

I also think Reddit is a good place to use as an aggregator for goals, content and the latest chat - the quality of discussion varies though.

r/gunners is absolutely terrible.

I think Keith Dovers great, he raises Alans game too.

Love Tuesday Club, and I notice a new one has just appeared today so that's my gym listening tonight sorted. Only recently started trying Arseblog and like goon I prefer Arsecast Extra.

Yep, I love The Tuesday Club. Must be an older person thing - heheh. Handbrake Off is really good too, particularly for Lee Dixon as has been mentioned. Agree with Coombs that the mixing since Covid has been hard, especially for Amy Lawrence - I have to turn the volume up when she speaks.

On the other stuff, I read Arseblog daily as I find him measured, intelligent and occasionally downright funny and weird, in my kind of way.

Don't watch Youtube or follow and ITK's on Twitter etc.

Looks like Gilberto has started a podcast with Edu being one of his guests.

2 months later
6 months later

Can't believe Claude passed on, he seems like a genuinely decent guy and a truly passionate fan. 

This also shows how toxic online abuse is that drove him to take his own life. 


5 days later

He didn't commit suicide.

But yes, online abuse needs to stop, regardless the reason.
Claude made some racist comment that fans all too often get up to, apologised for it. AFTV apologised for it.
But they wouldn't stop hounding him.