• The Arsenal
  • Official: Mikel Arteta is the new Arsenal manager.

Gazza M wrote:

Another thing arteta has quickly established is dressing room clout. He's turned results around and led the team to silverware. This gives him much more gravitas when it comes to demanding more from the players, and also freezing out whoever isnt pulling their weight. Emery tried establish the same authority but was unable to win hearts and minds the way mikel has

Emery didn't have a consistent game plan the players could buy into.

I think he did. It was he who turned our play into a fullback primary offense. It was he who initially placed Auba on the wings, and eventually dropped Ozil, which must have been an unpopular decision in the dressing room. His main issues were he wasn’t able to stabilize the defense, and he just lacked the charisma to carry the fan base and probably a few of the big players along and get them to buy in.

Finally he lost the Europa league final which would have given him some goodwill. After that he was a dead man walking.

It's unfair to Emery, but unfortunately charisma matters much more than I thought a just a couple of years ago. Even when we're doing badly you don't see media making fun of Arteta, making him out to be the cause of our problems. I feel like they took the piss out of Emery first chance they got. I can imagine this having an effect on players, making it harder to buy into a plan that doesn't immediately work.

Emery was the guy who had relegation material teams coming to the Emirates and getting 20 shots in.

Fuck him.

Emery deserved the sack for playing Chelsea's future technical director in the EL final alone, whilst having Leno and Martinez at his disposal.

Do we know if we have any pre-season games lined up? Or is it going to be similar to how it was before the restart where it was mostly games against lower league opposition to build fitness? Is there a schedule out there of when our first game will be?

Liverpool is under a month away so am curious if we will be playing any games before then. There's two weeks after that game and before the the league season kicks off so potential for one or two more games there as well but I have not read or seen anything to suggest this is the case.

14 days later

"As well, we have to identify our weaknesses and our strengths, and they have to be aware of our weaknesses. We can have weaknesses that we have to hide but we cannot have weaknesses within our structure of our club.

"Then we have to maximise our strengths, that we have a lot of, and at that moment I didn't believe that we were doing that. We have huge potential, we have no limits, it depends on us not the opponent or other clubs. It depends on our stats and that was something that needed to change, so that's what I was encouraging all the time, to do that."


I wonder if Arteta played a part in getting rid of the scouts or even Raul? He mentioned a few times that he has a direct line to the owners and it wouldn’t surprise me if he told them a few issues he had.

Either way, he definitely strikes the tone of a manager ala Wenger then simply a head coach.

The Athletic article I posted in the Raul thread does allude to Arteta possibly being involved. Allegedly a board member wanted to have a face to face chat and Raul said he had to be present. If true I can't imagine that would sit too well with the higher ups.

It is important he has a say in who we buy, we are building the team according to his vision so the players have to fit his system.

Arteta has some very basic advantages over Emery for our league whatever you think of them tactically.

He knows the Premier League back to front. Not just the clubs and players on the pitch, their personalities and who hates who, the history, the reasons to get angry. He is squarely handsome like a Lego man, and charismatic, and the press like him. He speaks English well. When we just won the FA Cup he was able to say he'd already won it with us.

I have no expectation he's a special genius or that he can turn a pig's ear into a purse, but we have some sort of foundation with him in charge.

Emery was a lost cause as soon as we missed out on top four in 2018–19. That should never have happened given we were well on track and the way it did spoke volumes about his limitations as a leader.

I like Arteta but I wouldnt call him charismatic. Jose 2004-2007 was the closest thing you saw to a manager having charisma. Of course charisma is subjective.

Klopp and Wenger is charismatic, that's about it

I find Mikel charismatic. When he speaks, I feel moved by his vision for the club. I actually don't need all the communication you guys all want from the club. I just want to see him supported with players to see if he can turn his talk into consistent victories.

And given the quick turnaround in our playing fortunes this year, I think the players are also moved. Many on this forum though that entire squad was hopeless in December when it lost 3-0 to City. Here it is with an FA Cup.

Sicario wrote:

I like Arteta but I wouldnt call him charismatic. Jose 2004-2007 was the closest thing you saw to a manager having charisma.

Some would even say he was seismic

Sicario wrote:

I like Arteta but I wouldnt call him charismatic. Jose 2004-2007 was the closest thing you saw to a manager having charisma. Of course charisma is subjective.


You don't manage 25 individuals with egos while balancing a board of directors and the media without being charismatic - most football managers fit that criteria, even the ones who seem bland. I think it was RC8 who said Emery sounded like a genius when he spoke in Spanish but didn't have the right support structure in place.

Emery's problem went way beyond charisma to me. I think one of the hallmarks of intelligence is the ability to communicate and explain ideas simply and clearly. It's not an ability I have ever connected with Emery's management style: not by looking at his tactical decisions, not by listening to him speak, nor by reading about his coaching methods.

Maybe it partly is a language problem, but Verratti said that Emery's instructions didn't make sense to the PSG midfield, and you've heard similar things echoed at Arsenal. Players in Russia and Spain complained about the lack of a clear vision and about incessant thumb drives and whiteboards that were heavy on information but very light on insights. What kind of genius would draw up such poverty tactical blueprints? And how come managers like Pochettino and Ranieri could get so much more out of their players despite speaking worse english than Emery?

To me he's like Brendan Rodgers, who's another bloke I'd brand as an intellectual charlatan. I think Rodgers actually managed to tone it down though once he realised he was more like a Confucius meme than Arséne Wenger.

😆 😆

I was so desperate to see the back of Emery that I briefly, seriously, considered Rodgers as an option.
Dark days indeed  😆

I've come to my senses since then.

When you’ve got the ball 65-70% of the time, it’s a football death for the other team. We’re not at that stage yet, but that’s what we will get to. It’s death by football. You just suck the life out of them."

I think Emery is a terrible communicator more than anything, certainly in English and French. Ultimately is doesn’t matter how good your ideas are if you can’t express then and get it across.

But I also think he lacks conviction, overthinks and over complicated things and as a result undermines himself. You won’t carry anyone with you if you tell them one thing all through pre-season then abandon it after a couple of games.

goon wrote:

"As well, we have to identify our weaknesses and our strengths, and they have to be aware of our weaknesses. We can have weaknesses that we have to hide but we cannot have weaknesses within our structure of our club.

Either way, he definitely strikes the tone of a manager ala Wenger then simply a head coach.

He speaks really well - I'd buy whatever he was selling tbh. Which isn't always a good thing but there you go. 

I also agree - I don't think he'd ever settle for being a head coach, he's very aware of the wider picture.