Scousers flew too close to the sun this season.

Do you hate all “rival” clubs with the same intensity?

Can’t summon much hate for Liverpool, tbh.

Compared to Man U, Chelsea, Tottenham, and newest money Man City, I feel like they’re quite tame.

I think I despise Liverpool more than Spurs purely because they have shit fans everywhere and nobody support Spurs at all in my country.

I don't hate all of them with the same intensity, no. Liverpool and United top the list for me. I barely have any feelings regarding City because it doesn't even feel like a club. It's more like some unknown entity that's just taken up one of the Champions League spots.

My Liverpool supporting friend argues that if they don't win the league, I don't win our Fantasy league either. It's tough, but I'm willing to make that sacrifice.

For me it's being able to distinguish between the clubs that I dislike and the groups of supporters that I can't stand. Objectively Man City and their financial doping is pretty bad but I have nothing against their supporters, most of whom stuck with the club through some difficult times. Meanwhile LFC, as a club, aren't as bad as United or Chelsea but their supporters and media presence is insufferable. Closely followed by United and Spurs fans.

Yeah City don't even register for me. Liverpool piss me off more than anything because of the omnipresent dickriding in media and among fans

United were first for ages but they fell off. They're the Joe Biden of football

Pretty much the same for me. Wish Liverpool would rot in hell. Their fans seem the mindless, cult-like type. None of them see the obvious media bias for the last 20 years towards their team. I hate the rest in various amounts. City doesn’t really register beyond Guardiola who’s a smug fuck. They’re football’s first franchise, part of a global group of 6 or 7 teams. They’re just a plastic thing that points to football’s ultimate endgame

Liverpool are a pretty disgusting club and set of fans. Don't hate them as much as Spurs and probably not as much as Chelsea and United but its pretty close. And yes their fans are the fucking worst. They're such a phoney club, pretending to care more than other clubs, etc to be somehow purer all while being absolute scum. England Barcelona basically.

Liverpool fans don’t even register for me. The ones I know personally are all pretty sound while the ones online make me laugh rather than fume.

Spurs fans are the worst, I’ve never known such arrogance from a group of fans who’ve mostly never witnessed any real success. Can you imagine if they did have 6 European Cups or a League title? God help us all.

United fans are also insufferable and have a massive superiority complex. Don’t let their current malaise let you forget.

But, most of the above are what has made football fun. It’s all a part of the experience, I want to hate or dislike rival fans and clubs, I want to feel shitty when someone other than us wins the league. City on the other hand have ruined the experience in pretty much every way imaginable. They’re the last club I want to win, just makes me not give a damn and that’s not a good thing. Haven’t you guys learnt anything from Megamind?

I've no idea what the fuck you're talking about. I'd shave my head along with City ultras Baldiolas if it meant Liverpool and United will never see any success again.

Thats exactly what I mean. What kind of Jones would be left if you didn’t have anyone left to rile against? If Liverpool and United became insignificant? You’d be a shell of a man. People don’t know what they want.

How often do you want Liverpool, Spurs and United to win the league, Goon? 🙂 Once every fourth year, or isn't that enough for you!?

For a long time i also felt nothing for city, but their totally transparent corruption and the ever increasing ambivelance toward it year on year has made me dig deep to find some more room to despise them alongside the usual suspects

I don't want them to win the league. I just want an authentic experience. That period from 97-2005 was as good as football gets for me, not just because of our titles and cups or the style of football, but because of the overall experience. The rivalry on the pitch, off the pitch, with the United fans, it was brilliant. If you're asking me would I change that period so that instead of United it was a no mark team like City we were competing with who I felt indifferent about, I'd say fuck off.

I used to feel like many of you guys, supporting City against the likes of United. I just refuse to do it now, they've been ruining football for over a decade now. And they've managed to brainwash the media into portraying them as victims despite openly cheating. They're awful and their success isn't doing one over your rivals, it's another nail in our own coffin.

5 days later

Quite cheap for a club with a pretty big stadium and a lot of supporters when taking their current situation into account. If I was that rich and wanted a football club, this sounds like a smart place to start.

Absolutely. The fans probably can’t believe their luck. To go from a clown to one of the few owners who could be richer than City’s. I doubt they’ll complain too much about all the murdered journalists and what not. Four years out, we will really struggle to get a look into top 4

So that's finally done. They won't believe their luck, they have owners richer than City now.