Mirth wrote: Qwiss! wrote: Obama is a right winger, always was, he's admitted he's a Reaganite. Link? Not questioning, just curious.
Qwiss! wrote: Obama is a right winger, always was, he's admitted he's a Reaganite.
Obama is a right winger, always was, he's admitted he's a Reaganite.
Link? Not questioning, just curious.
I've only seen videos of it as part of other things. I'll try to root it out. If I could remember the wording it'd be easier to find I'm sure.
jones wrote:Hillary is not a feminist. She's a piece of shit who bar some posturing will immediately pull the ladder up behind her as soon as she's in power because her allies are male. I'm glad people are starting to realise her true nature by now wasn't that long ago that I got called out for calling her out.
Hillary is not a feminist. She's a piece of shit who bar some posturing will immediately pull the ladder up behind her as soon as she's in power because her allies are male. I'm glad people are starting to realise her true nature by now wasn't that long ago that I got called out for calling her out.
Yeah she was anti-gay marriage a few years ago so this is no surprise. She always just jumped onto social issues as a tool to help her political career.
Qwiss! wrote: goon wrote: Maybe, but I'm talking about perception. The point is, I think it suits the likes of Sanders (and Trump) to frame their policies as being 'radical' and a significant shift away from the status quo regardless of whether or not that's the case. It's a tactic being utilised all across the globe. I don't think it helps Sanders at all. I hear Americans who self describe as being left wing call Bernie crazy for his policies. It allows someone like Warren to come in and offer watered down versions of his policies and call herself reasonable. Jones is right, if we take a look at Bernies actual platform its not revolutionary at all by European standards. And even Europe has moved severely to the right over the last 30 years.
goon wrote: Maybe, but I'm talking about perception. The point is, I think it suits the likes of Sanders (and Trump) to frame their policies as being 'radical' and a significant shift away from the status quo regardless of whether or not that's the case. It's a tactic being utilised all across the globe.
Maybe, but I'm talking about perception. The point is, I think it suits the likes of Sanders (and Trump) to frame their policies as being 'radical' and a significant shift away from the status quo regardless of whether or not that's the case. It's a tactic being utilised all across the globe.
I don't think it helps Sanders at all. I hear Americans who self describe as being left wing call Bernie crazy for his policies. It allows someone like Warren to come in and offer watered down versions of his policies and call herself reasonable. Jones is right, if we take a look at Bernies actual platform its not revolutionary at all by European standards. And even Europe has moved severely to the right over the last 30 years.
From what I understand, it's not even that revolutionary when compared to US policies post WW2 -
Exactly, everythings just shifted right and anyone who says "hey lets go back to more social projects" is considered to be way out there, even Corbyn is just a return to traditional Labour policies mostly.
That perception also helped him come to prominence and gain a significant following too though. Who knows, he may have beaten Hilary if he wasn't sabotaged. I don't think that would have been possible for someone who's views are perceived as moderate or bland to do that.Â
Mirth wrote: Qwiss! wrote: I don't think it helps Sanders at all. I hear Americans who self describe as being left wing call Bernie crazy for his policies. It allows someone like Warren to come in and offer watered down versions of his policies and call herself reasonable. Jones is right, if we take a look at Bernies actual platform its not revolutionary at all by European standards. And even Europe has moved severely to the right over the last 30 years. From what I understand, it's not even that revolutionary when compared to US policies post WW2 -
Qwiss! wrote: I don't think it helps Sanders at all. I hear Americans who self describe as being left wing call Bernie crazy for his policies. It allows someone like Warren to come in and offer watered down versions of his policies and call herself reasonable. Jones is right, if we take a look at Bernies actual platform its not revolutionary at all by European standards. And even Europe has moved severely to the right over the last 30 years.
For some perspective - under Roosevelt the US had a top marginal income tax rate of more than 90% for more than a decade. Nobody in the US due to the battle of superpowers would ever call this a socialist policy but not even most of Europe had this high rates during the trentes glorieuses.
jones wrote: Mirth wrote: From what I understand, it's not even that revolutionary when compared to US policies post WW2 - For some perspective - under Roosevelt the US had a top marginal income tax rate of more than 90% for more than a decade. Nobody in the US due to the battle of superpowers would ever call this a socialist policy but not even most of Europe had this high rates during the trentes glorieuses.
Mirth wrote: From what I understand, it's not even that revolutionary when compared to US policies post WW2 -
Speaking of Obama:
I love how they deleted it instead of reporting on the shocking numbers they had back then. How does the media of an entire country get this way?
AFP is an international Agency but yeah utterly absurd. The news looks in Western Europe just as it does in the US
As for Obama the Boondocks were bang on about him since day one back when most Black Media were thinking he's one of them
I think I misread because I didn't see it was AFP, but yeah. Shameful doesn't begin to cover it.
Rachel Maddow question in the debate-Only 1% of the population serve in the US military, should that number me more?
She's completely insane.
Who was it who'd always defend her and her ridiculous fixation on Russia? Thinking Rex but I'm not sure
That’s 3m people. I assume that’s all the reserves. She wants more? Is that what all the guns are for?
Klaus wrote: She's completely insane.
She was kind of normal a few years go, typical US liberal but she got an awful dose of Russia Brain and completely lost it.
What is the average percentage of the population serving in the military in countries other than the US?
E: not sure what the reason or rationale was for her question, or whom she addressed it to. Tulsi Gabbard perhaps?
flobaba wrote: What is the average percentage of the population serving in the military in countries other than the US?
I didn't realise Germany had a larger active military than Italy and the UK.
flobaba wrote:E: not sure what the reason or rationale was for her question, or whom she addressed it to.
E: not sure what the reason or rationale was for her question, or whom she addressed it to.
Probably has something to do with Russia. It always does. This is a person who was getting watery-eyed on tv because she thought Putin might shut off the electricity for North Dakota in mid-winter and freeze them all to death. Alex Jones levels of insanity.