goon wrote:
Can you describe Warren as pro war? I read up on an article that suggested her views are closer aligned to her 'establishment' counterparts and while there were some ugly comments, particularly on the Israel-Palestine conflict, I didn't see anything in there that was particularly hawkish.
I think supporting stuff like Yemen reflects terribly on her. She did vote to end support for the Saudi coalition eventually, but that was Bernie Sanders's bill, and he had tried to push that agenda for years to deaf ears. Anti-war activists with roots in Yemen from her own state contacted Warren as early as 2015 and tried to get her to speak out, but she patted them on the head and explained that bombings and famine was fine because there was antidemocratic stuff going on over there.
It summarises Warren to me: she wouldn't lift a finger when it was the right but hard thing to do, but once Obama was out and opinion had already swung she threw her vote behind it. She was more than happy to support it through most of the blockades that starved god knows how many children to death though. The numbers were over 80 000 last time I checked, but those are just the official numbers and assumed to be far from the whole story.
She cheered on the slaughter in Gaza in 2014, she backed the Iran sanctions that have essentially wrecked their economy. She backed the sanctions that wrecked Venezuela. She voted for Trump's inflated military budgets as late as last year. She's backed all of Obama's ill-conceived wars and conflicts.
More alarming than her foreign policy record are her foreign policy advisors though. They're a veritable who's who of people who have either helped to engineer or cheered on some of the grossest war crimes of the last two decades. There's a list of some of them here:
She's someone who is openly supporting the bloated defense industry and american militarism. Her record is not as horrible as Biden's, but that's only because Biden's complicity in places like Libya, Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan and Honduras runs much deeper on account of being an active part of Obama's administration. Not being as awful as one of the vilest persons on the planet is not exactly gold standard. Give Warren a chance and she'd repeat the exact same mistakes. She was perfectly prepared for it.
I feel a genuine despair for the parts of the world that are mostly inhabited by poor muslims. They're the ones who keep dying while these horror clowns keep on pushing their murder agendas to grow the US economy. Although the rest of us won't be far behind this time if the climate movement is really going to have to depend on either Trump or Biden.