I don’t think it’s the messaging. The messaging is very clear.
I think it’s the absolutist nature of Bernie’s approach and consequently that’s the lead his supporters follow. He is very dogmatic, believes that his policies must be delivered in a very particular pure way. I think this is why we see a lot of discussion on this forum about people like Warren being turncoats because they might be willing to negotiate certain positions on M4A etc., in order to make them politically viable. So they might be diluted from their Scandinavian form, but they would then be sellable to other democrats and consequently to Republicans.
I was listening to an interview today with Andrew Gillum. Sanders supported Gillum’s nearly successful campaign for Governor. But Gillum had a warning. He said that he noticed that as Sanders gained momentum last month, his campaign and surrogates became haughty. There was more of this talk of taking down the establishment, etc. That kind of talk is alienating. I agree. Sanders and his people need to learn the relationship-building side of politics. You need to build relationships to pass bills. You need to build relationships to have people who will drop out and endorse you. If you use a different lens to look at the last week, it’s not evidence of a conspiracy against Sanders. But rather evidence of Biden cashing in on his relationship building. Klobuchar campaigned for Biden in Minnesota. Who will campaign for Sanders?