KingslandBarge wrote:
By the way mags, who is the candidate (active or not) that most resonates with you?
Am sitting on the fence right now.
Have paid little attention to the Iowa shenanigans.
Just working on getting re-energized after the impeachment trial.
One person that caught my eye early on was Sherrod Brown, Ohio Senator, major supporter of labor. He dropped out early.
Warren And Sanders are both candidates On my possibilities roster. Both imperfect, both have some plans I am uncomfortable with, her on foreign policy, him on gun control. But they top the list on climate issues which is a key area for me. Voted for Bernie last primary., and lean toward him.
Bottom line: who is most likely to beat trump (if he doesn’t have a stroke before November or put his foot in it to the point his base wakes up-ain’t gonna happen)...And who has the $$$$ to run a strong campaign into November. One more thing... The DNC....Powerful. Worrisome.
Whoever gets the nomination will have a brawl, an ugly, dirty fight, no holds barred from the trump camp.