In an ideal world, Quincy, you are able to do what Guardiola has done. He has put down a 3-5 year vision, and then he has been able to go to and secure the best young-to-mid career players who can help him execute that vision. Fortunately for him, he has the money to make this a quick and painless job.
On our side, I think we similarly need to have a clear vision, and we also need to go after young-to-mid career players. Only difference is we have to be more resourceful than Pep in our search as the laws of finance actually apply to us. I do not see how Perisic builds a 3-5 year vision. He just serves expedience - get them to Europe, and then see. The counter-argument might be “what if we don’t make it to Champions League? We will be even more fucked!” But even if we do make it to Champs League, we will have lost 6 valuable months in defining and fleshing out the 3-5 year vision. Every transfer window is so incredibly valuable right now. We did so well in June. We should be building on that with additional young quality fullbacks or wide forwards right now. Not this.